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I spent the next few hours applying to university and for a few scholarships that I thought I'd be a good candidate for. After we ate, Harry said that he would be going to the studio for a few hours, he'd be back before I went out.

I put my laptop down next to me and grabbed my phone. For the past few days, I tried my best to stay away from social media, or at least that's what my counselor told me would be best after our hour-long skype call earlier in the day.

My interest peaked and I redownloaded twitter. Once it finished I opened it and logged in, immediately being flooded with pictures of myself and Harry, or with Rick, and even just once by myself when I had gone out to get coffee or go grocery shopping.

It was something that I wouldn't have gotten used to, seeing my face plastered on magazines titled "Harry's new boo?" or "Harry's mystery girl.", or having gained what I would consider to be quite a large social media following. It wasn't something that I liked, but I guess it happened whenever Harry became friends with anyone of the opposite gender.

As I scrolled through Instagram and Twitter, I became quite unsure of myself. I hated the way that some of Harry's fans and most of the tabloids were making me sound.

Most of his fans were quite sweet though, they said we looked like a lovely couple and we looked cute together. It was such a relief from the hurtful comments regarding what we were.

I set my phone down when Harry walked into the room wearing a hoodie and sweatpants, even when he put no effort into how he looked, he was still so attractive.

"Hey Harry," I smiled up at him.

Hey smiled back at me. "Hello Bella,"

"How was the studio?"

He laid down on the best next to me. "It was okay, I'm tired though."

"Have a nap then, I can move into the living room if you'd like."

"No that's okay love, I want to be awake when you leave so I can tell Rick to be nice or I'll kick him in the pants."

I laughed, "It's only for work Harry. I need to talk to him about switching locations."

"You're beautiful when you laugh, Bella."


"It's true,"

"Are you sure you went to the studio and not to the bar Harry? Or maybe you have the flu, you feel a bit warm." I mocked him, putting my palm on his forehead to check his temperature.

"You;'re terrible Bella," He sighed, closing his eyes. "Wake me up before you leave, okay?"

I nodded while Harry turned over, and I grabbed my laptop once again to finish the rest of my applications.

Around six I decided to shower and curl my hair, figuring that dressing nice and making myself feel pretty would be a self-esteem booster.

I did my makeup and picked out an outfit, which consisted of a black dress and denim jacket, paired with some nude heels.

Around seven-thirty, I decided to wake Harry up to let him know that I'd be leaving soon. I wasn't too sure why he was so hellbent on seeing me off, but I woke him up anyways.

"Haz, I'm going to be leaving soon. Rick told me he'd be here any minute." I smiled, patting his shoulder.

His beautiful green eyes slowly opened. "Okay," he yawned.

My phone dinged and I looked at it, seeing that it was a text from Rick saying that he was waiting downstairs.

"I'm leaving now Harry."

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