Chapter 6

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The food for the party was set. When they got to the main kitchen, Ara saw more workers running up and down to put things in place. Everyone faced their individual task that they all didn't utter a word until there was a need to ask questions. The chef Ara saw in the kitchen were talented and focused. She knew the chef that will be working for the king can't be nothing less than the best.

They were skilled, educated, and outspoken. She knew they had to be because the King of Lagos was known to brag about his workers being educated and extremely good. Ara could feel few eyes watching her, but no one made a move to her because they were all busy. And they knew what await them if anyone was reported to the first Queen for making useless conversations. They were all being careful because they knew among them were spies reporting whatever happens to the first Queen.

They packed the food after it was done and set it all on the long table covered in a golden lace table cloth. White glass plates with a little bit of  design at the tip in gold colour was arranged on the table according to seats present round the table, with long glass cups sitting like Giants on the table beside each plate.

Everything Ara saw was beautiful. It wasn't as if she had never seen or met rich people before, but living with them was different. To Ara, they spent lavishly. Ara could bet that everything that was prepared would eventually be wasted because it was more than enough. She couldn't go on counting the different meals that were prepared and set on the table because it was too much.

Just because Princess Lagbaja can't eat this, they prepared another thing different from the first meal. Because Prince Temedo does not like Apple juice, they made Mango and pineapple juice. Because the first Queen liked eating her salad with baked beans, and Prince B liked eating his salad without baked beans, or because Princess A liked eating hers with milk and preferred the tiny tiny ones, they prepared different types and made plenty food available.

When they all eventually left and was told to go prepare and get set for the party which was starting in the next one hour, Ara took that opportunity to eat because she was extremely famished and tired. She couldn't wait for the whole day to end so she could retire to her room and finally put the day behind her.

In thirty minutes, they were all set and came out. Ara decided to ask the question bothering her mind before finally facing everyone that night. She walked into the kitchen and found the person she was looking for. She settled beside her and turned to her. "Grace, I've been meaning to ask you. How many children does the king have?" Ara asked. "I don't think I'm ready to get lost in that dining tonight cause..."

Grace started laughing before Ara could finish. "Babe, I understand you. You really need an answer to that question," she said. "I'm sure you are tired of hearing first Prince, second Prince, third Prince and all of a sudden, the fifth Prince just appeared from nowhere, gbam!"

This time, both Ara and Grace bursted out laughing. Ara was starting to like Grace more. It was as if she could read her mind. "You just said my mind."

Grace understood Ara a lot. She also went through the same confusion when she started working in the palace. The moment Ara walked in, she liked her for her calmness and was glad to realize she was becoming free with her, hoping they would be good friends if Ara does not change her attitude soon. It was always a character issue for almost everyone working in the palace. Acting nice when they just came and suddenly turned into something else. 'Florence for example.' Grace thought. They both started well as good friends when she just came in until she was starting to give her an attitude. Grace hope Ara wouldn't be that way.

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