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When the two brothers heard Aramade was also around, they ran towards the door instantly. Prince Ire yanked the door open, scaring Grace a little. Her brows shot up at Prince Ire wondering what was happening, but she was too excited seeing Aramade again to think of anything else. Ire came down slowly. He managed to compose himself, that no one could guess he was in a difficult situation. He quickly thought of how to handle the situation and use it to his advantage. What came to his mind felt like part of him was going to die, but that was the best option at the moment. The moment Prince Adewale spotted him, Prince Ire forced a smile on his face since Prince Adewale had a huge smile on as well. "Long time bro! Been long you visited the palace." Prince Ire said, standing before him.

"I miss everyone actually," Prince Adewale replied. The two brothers shook hands and greeted with smiles. "But I've been extremely busy and you know pleasing your King can be so strenuous." 

" are right." Prince Ire stared at him, trying to spot if something was off in his behavior towards him, but Prince Adewale's smile was the same. His reaction towards him was the same. The way he responded was exactly the same way Adewale he knew would have responded. Is he acting? He thought but immediately waved it at side. "Let's seat," he offered. 

"Well, well..." Prince Adewale turned to Aramade. "Mr. Man, it's ladies first. At this stage, should I be teaching you that?" He chuckled, getting Aramade to smile.

"Prince Adewale, I'm actually fine. I can wait."

"Hmm..." Prince Adewale cleared his throat, threw a quick wink at Prince Ire to talk to Ara first. "Actually, I met her here. So, I'm guessing she's also here to see you. I will just wait." He turned around, but stopped. He turned back at Prince Ire instead. "I thought she works here?"

"Not anymore." Prince Ire responded, telling himself not to fall for what Prince Adewale was playing. If he hated him so much and had been acting this way since he knew him, then it was just an act to convince him they were cool. He was now their suspect. He shouldn't lose guard. He was still the same Ire who had no time for shit! 

Aramade smiled. She was happy to see Prince Ire was doing so well. After he had confessed to her, she knew he would be extremely worried, and he didn't bother to hide it until she played a joke on him. Ara knew she wasn't supposed to come to the palace but she understood he was going through a lot and she wasn't at ease that she wanted to check up on him, see how he was doing, and be there to cheer him up. Aramade knew how those strange pictures bothered Prince Ire a lot. He acted like it was nothing at first, and thought he could handle it, but things were getting too scary and Ara could feel it that he badly needed answers. She could sense that Prince Ire was beginning to worry. She wished she could be beside him to share words of affirmation and encouragement to him just like he would have done. Aramade moved closer to him. "I brought you--"

"Do you think I need you here?" Prince Ire's voice came out bluntly, staring at Aramade with no smile. Like he never once cared for her. Like she was just everybody else. Exactly how he would have talked to her if she was still his worker. "I can't remember giving anyone the authority to come in here anytime they feel like. I just wanted to get to know you and I don't feel like anymore. You should get that. Fun is just for a while."

Aramade paused and stared at him. She had just been disgraced but waited still. Her eyes were intensively fixed on Prince Ire for answers. Her eyes were beginning to turn red. Cloud of tears had formed, but she summoned courage to hold them. She couldn't cry. She couldn't get her pretty face wet, but her heart wouldn't listen.  We were fine. We were fine some hours ago. What happened again? So bad she could only ask herself. She wondered if something else was going on that she didn't know about. She looked up at him hoping she would understand it was because of what he was going through, but all she met was his cold eyes staring back at him. God, no. She released those tears. They did fall on her pretty face, but only made her even more beautiful that someone wanted to kiss them away. Hug her, and tell her it was just to protect her. God, Ara murmured. At this point, she realised how much she loved Ire that she didn't even care the situation around her. She grabbed his hand, and moved closer to slightly touch his face. The two stood before each other staring passionately at themselves.

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