Chapter 14

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Beads of sweats formed on her forehead despite the fan blowing in the sitting room. She had worked, tired and worn-out. Ara couldn't thank Sewa and Grace enough for the tremendous work they did for her. When she was done washing all the curtains and done gisting with Ayoola, she realized time had gone and she had spent a lot of time talking instead of doing the rest of her works.

When she came in, she realized the whole house had been mopped. The dinning table had also been taken care of. The first thing she asked for was food. It was already past four and she had not even taken breakfast. Although she ate snacks because some were brought to Ayoola by few workers from the first Queen. It was then she realized she told herself she was going to apologize to the first Queen over what happened but still had not. In her heart, she blamed Prince Ire for messing up her day. Giving her useless and unecessarily works. 

Sewa and Grace told Ara they could have ironed Prince Ire's clothes for her, but he didn't drop it and they were never allowed to enter his room except her. After it was exactly six, Ara was done eating. Sleep was coming. Her eyes were closing little by little, but she dared not sleep. She forced her eyes open telling herself enough times till the word 'Get up!' sank into her medulla Oblongata, bringing her to her feet. Immediately, Ara got up and went upstairs to bring out the clothes she was to iron.

When she got into the room, her tired face relaxed into a little horrible smile. She couldn't help it. Not as if there were funny posters pasted in the room, but because the room looked as if a little boy stays in there. She wondered if she had entered a kid's room. What's this? Ara picked up the shoes and black socks that must have played and ran about the whole room the whole day. On his bed were clothes scattered everywhere. Every corner was totally disorganized.

Ara didn't know where to start from. She thought Prince Ire was someone extremely neat and was excited knowing her work wouldn't be much, but she calculated wrongly. On a stand close to his bed were wrapped chocolates. Chocolate biscuits, sweets and unwrapped nylons, unwrapped biscuits with empty can of Goldberg. Suddenly, Ara who was tired and weak to the mouth started laughing. Somehow, Prince Ire always made her smile and laugh unecessarily. What she saw was beyond looking and passing.

Ara stood up, packed the plates of leftovers patatos. She couldn't believe after eating downstairs, the guy brought it up with him again. She was beginning to feel like Prince Ire liked food. It was food he came down to warm when they met in the kitchen during midnight. Yet he wasn't looking fat. In fact, he had six solid packs. His arm were solid and firm. Hey, Ara you haven't even touched it. How did you know? Ara smiled to herself. Well, just by looking. The image of his body that midnight flashed back to her memory. She agreed he was really a fine man. But immediately, Ara threw up her dirty thoughts away. He's not someone to think about Ara. Look at the punishment he gave you because of what?

Ara succeeded to erase the thoughts she was beginning to allow and returned to where she thought Prince Ire liked food. She tried to convince herself that he didn't eat all that in the morning. Accessing his room, the room looked completely dull to Ara. No design or even a quality painting. Guy you are rich. What happened? No one was there to answer Ara's question. It was the same white colour painted round the building he also used in his room too. Ara thought he could have missed two colours together. That could have succeeded to bring life to his room.

Everywhere looked plain and not lively at all. Somehow, Ara concluded Prince Ire might be a boring person. Since he could not arrange his room alone or was an expertee at scattering his things around, why would he have instructed that no one was allowed to enter his room. May be hiding something. May be he didn't want his workers to see how rough he was. May be he didn't just like it. Ara found many excuses for him as possible. His clothes or things were not dirty. Just that, he was not good at placing them at the right place.

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