Chapter 10

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The next day, it was morning. Ara had gotten up by six already, took her bath and changed into a white v-neck gown she was told they were wearing for the day. She could remember the conversation she had with Prince Ire and somehow, remembering the part he brought out a bottle of cold water she wanted despite stopping her at first, and when he gave her part of his food knowing she was hungry brought a little smile to Ara's face. She felt like he cared for her a little. Her smile widened a little more when she remembered his smile she thought was not pretty enough but somehow made her smile even more as she combed her hair into a style.

'But he's still wierd', she thought and her smile was gone remembering how annoying he was throughout their conversation. How rudely he spoke to her, acting like he doesn't even care at all. Ara agreed he doesn't care for anyone at all giving thousands of excuses not to find herself smiling again. To her, Prince Ire was a bit strange with his acts. Acting all cold and suddenly switching to a caring person. Ara scolded herself for the stupid smiles she had on, hitting her head to think about something else before laughing at herself in the mirror. She could laugh at stupid things before realizing they were stupid.

Ara put on her shoes to finally leave her room and start her work for the day. She remembered and reminded herself she has to be careful with her words whenever she get to see Prince Ire again. He had warn her with his looks and she must have been stupid to forget he was still her boss who she now depends on to pay her salary. 'No more silly talks with him,' she warned herself. 'Yes sir. Yes sir. Yes sir.' She faced the mirror and said it several times telling herself that was the new way to start addressing Prince Ire. 'And no looking into his eyes.' she warned herself for the last time. She wondered why she enjoyed looking into his eyes.

Ara walked out of her room when it was exactly seven o'clock. She could hear sounds coming from the kitchen. She quickly walked in and saw that Sewa was already cooking.

"Good morning...." Ara dragged, smiling at Sewa who stopped cutting the potato in her left hand.

Sewa wasn't smiling. "Miss, if you keep coming out by seven o'clock in the morning, when will your boss who takes his breakfast by eight o'clock get to eat his food?" Sewa squeezed her mouth causing Ara to laugh. She was finding Sewa a little bit dramatic with the different expressions that followed the words she spoke.

But then, Ara looked at Sewa, surprised by the information she was fed with. "Eight o'clock! So fast. That's so early. Is he going to work?"

"Fifty two more minutes to go sister. You are not in your house where you take breakfast at twelve o'clock in the afternoon." Sewa looked up at the big wall clock in the kitchen causing Ara to look up and finally saw the giant white wall clock before bursting into a loud laughter.

Sewa just shook her head. She wondered what was so funny. "Ara don't just stand there, blend the pepper so that you can start preparing the fried stew already." Sewa dropped the knife and potato in her two hands, dragged the bowl of unwashed tomatoes and red pepper to Ara. "That reminds me," she faced Ara once again. "You have to quickly go to the guest house to ask Mr. Ayo what he would like us to prepare too."

"Mr. Ayo..." Ara repeated before realizing who Sewa was talking about. Ayoola. Then she asked. "I thought he's here for the first Queen."

Sewa went back to the potato she was cutting. "I can't start saying anything now, but if that man doesn't take his breakfast by eight o'clock too, Prince Ire won't take it well on us because they are friends. He has not called me to say they are no longer friends, so go now." Sewa poured the sliced potatoes inside a medium pot, stopping Ara who was about asking more questions. "Forty nine minutes to go. Guest house."

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