Chapter 52

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Ara expected him to take her to a nice restaurant which wasn't that expensive, but no, he brought her to one of the finest, expensive restaurants nearby. She felt she could have changed into a better clothes but Ayoola told her that wasn't necessary. Ara took her seat opposite Ayoola. "Thank you," she said. "So, I guess we can have a little chat before food is served."

Ayoola smiled sweetly at her. Aramade just made it easy for him. The reason he wanted this outing was because he had something in mind to discuss with Aramade. He wanted to talk and empty the burden on him. To say what was on his mind rather than blaming himself for not speaking out.

"So, who is going first?" Aramade threw him another smile that made him melt right on his seat. There was something about Aramade's smile he wasn't sure she knew. Ayoola coughed. "Hmm..." He cleared his throat and stopped whatever he was planning on saying, looking serious but ended up laughing. "I'm sorry." He quickly apologized, but then, he ended up laughing again.

Aramade made fun of him. "Okay, I will go first," she said. "I have something to tell you as well. I'm not saying this to make you draw back, but because I---"

"I like you." Ayoola blurted out, stopping Ara from saying what she had in mind. "I really like you." Ayoola repeated. "From the first day I met you, I wanted you for myself. Your smile is so captivating. The way you laugh makes you ten times beautiful. You look so quiet but you are load  with fun. Since that day, I've liked you. But I guess I went about it in a wrong way. I thought it could be easy to have you, but I lost you." Ayoola paused, then continued. "When I finally saw you again, I knew I couldn't let you go. I told myself I will give it what it takes to have you by my side. I admire you not just because of your beauty, but because you have a good heart, with good morals...and at his point, I don't think I want to lose you both ways."

Ara's mouth gaped open. She was shocked by his confession. "Emm,,mm..." She doesn't even know what to say. "I'm sorry...I mean,, oh God." Her left hand balled into a fist. "I'm really sorry Mr---"

"Call me Ayoola please." Ayoola grabbed her two hands that were suddenly cold, rubbing it with all the sweetness in him. "Calm down Ara. I know what your reply will be." He smiled at her feeling defeated. "Ire asked you out already and you've said yes. I know. I just have to say this for you to know how gorgeous and powerful your body, looks and your personality draw men to you. You are beautiful and you make heads turn."

Ara's eyes slowly gave birth to tears as she closed them. But then, she couldn't help the little smile with how Ayoola ended his last statement. She shook her head. "I'm really sorry." Her eyes were slowly opened again. "The truth is, I also liked you the first day we met." Ara smiled. "I love your smile the most. You were so cute and nice to me that day. And for the first time, I met someone I really liked after my failed relationship." Ara slowly slipped her hands out of Ayoola's. She suddenly realized her emotional state and felt it doesn't feel right.

She smiled and continued. "I think men need to know the way they approach some ladies turn them off at times." Ara stared at him. "I liked you. I wanted us to be friends at first and then, I hope something happens later. But then, women are different, some women just want sex with you. Some friendship, and some steady relationship. Men need to know which that woman belongs to."

Ayoola managed to smile. "And I regret it," he confessed. "But I thought you never like Ire?"

This time, Aramade wasn't crying again. She suddenly laughed, remembering the first day she met Prince Ire. "I really did not like that second Prince at first sight. With that mumu face he carries about, he scares people with it." Aramade confessed, making fun of his hard face. "But," she smiled sweetly, remembering how Ire would talk to her like a friend, a teacher, and suddenly turned out to be the sweetest boy that loved bullying her especially when it comes to food. Ara smiled again. "He's grown on me. And I must say he's the most sweetest person I've ever met on earth."

At that point, listening to how Aramade gushed about Prince Ire, Ayoola felt defeated. He saw how happy Aramade suddenly switched when talking about Ire. Her smile grew bigger, her face brightened up by her excessive smiles. Ayoola was a little bit jealous, but tried his best to put on the sweet smile he had on from the beginning. He didn't want Ara to feel closed up while she was with him.

"I'm sorry to ask this," Ara said, trying to change the conversation because she could sense how her words were beginning to affect Ayoola. She adjusted using the opportunity to ask him one of the questions that has been bothering her mind. "Why are you both on each other's neck?"

"Oh, that!" Ayoola finally smiled back without struggling or trying to act cool. He sat straight. "That's a long story Ara."

Aramade very interested in the story. "Summarize it," she insisted, laughing at her curiosity.

Ayoola couldn't help laughing. It was something he didn't like talking about so he replied shortly. "Well, this is the reason," he said confusing Aramade. Realizing Ara didn't get it, he laughed making jest of her. "You guys were the reason," he said again, trying not to slip out the full details. "We like the same women. They start by liking me, but end up choosing him."

Ara couldn't help laughing listening to how Ayoola put that in one sentence. Ayoola joined her too and laughed it off. Aramade stopped laughing and stared at him. "I feel like you aren't spilling the bean so I will drop it."

"Thank you." Ayoola sincerely thanked her. Now that he knew getting Ara for himself might not be possible, he wanted to still be there for her as a friend. He was scared for her knowing it was never easy being in a relationship with Ire not because of him but because of the people who surrounded him. Trying not to make Ara feel bad, Ayoola thought about his words clearly before saying them out. "Ara, I don't want to ever say anything that will make you feel bad because I respect you," he said. "But I want you to know that if you need any help, kindly reach out to me. I know how tough some relationships can be and how desperate we need answers to make decisions."

Aramade genuinely smiled at Ayoola. She was grateful with his kind words and how matured he handled everything even though she knew it might be very hard for him. "Thank you so much. I really appreciate your concern," she said. "I've thought about it several times and I'm hopeful. All my life I've always been scared of relationship because most of the times, I feel like guys are attracted to my shape, my face, my skin, my smile and sometimes, I feel like they are sexually attracted to me at first sight."

Ara couldn't help it. She smiled seeing Ayoola's teeth flashing at her. Deep down, Ayoola knew Ara was right and that was the reason why he smiled. After the whole smiles, Aramade  continued. "But then, it was worth the wait." She smiled, extremely happy. "I've been ready for it all my life."

The two had so much fun, laughed, took some pictures together and ate their food. They made sure they kept their distance during the amazing time together.

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