Chapter eighty one

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"I, Aramade Agboola take you Musi Adedamire Henry to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold you from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish you. Today, I'm blessed to be able to call you my husband. My confidant. I promise to spend each day with you and be your ever loving wife. From this day forward until death do us part." Ara said and the next thing she found herself doing was crying. It was nothing else but tears of Joy. She tried to control it, tried not to spoil her make up, tried to control the whole situation, but she couldn't help it. Her heart was flooded with joy, her eyes with tears, her stomach with butterflies, her head with the only picture she ever had of them. Happily ever after. It was a day she couldn't hold herself from tearing up. She had waited four years for this day to come. The way he looked at her was everything every woman ever wanted. The way he held her. The way he supported her. The way he had her back and walked the journey with her despite all odds. Aramade burst into tears, finally given up on acting fine. "I'm sorry pastor." Her teary voice apologised and everyone burst out laughing at her including the pastor himself.

The church became quiet again.

"I, Musi Adedamire, take you Aramade Agboola, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold you from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, in good times and bad times, to love and to cherish you. Today, I'm blessed to be able to call you my wife. My best friend. My laughing gas. My light. My inspiration. My love. I promise to love you in good times and in bad times. To be faithful to you and be true to you in all circumstances. To be the reason you smile and be able to make you laugh just like you always do."

Finally, Ara had stopped crying. At this point, she was laughing. Laughing so hard that Prince Ire needed to pause cause the whole congregation had joined her. This was one of the reasons he couldn't let her go. Free, happy and never allowed anything stopped her from laughing and freely remain herself. He watched her while he laughed a little bit too. Now he was sure the whole world realised why he couldn't let this girl slip away from him. Her laughter was next to contagious. The whole congregation only stopped laughing when she did. And when she started again, they happily joined her, until she was calm and quiet again.

Everywhere became quiet again, giving the atmosphere that sends good luck to new couples to make their vow memorable as possible. Prince Ire continued. "Starting from this day forward, we will build a happy home for the kids, stay together, pray together, and walk this journey together with the help of the one who has brought us here today until death do us part. I love you." Prince Ire said, taking the words very slowly and carefully. Trying his best to be calm, holding his tears back from falling, but still, a tear dropped and gently, Aramade touched it with her new, white handkerchief. "I gat you babe." She whispered to him and the whole congregation went. "Awwn..."

"Mummy your shirt!"

"Jesus!" Aramade yelled looking down at the shirt which had got burnt far away from amendment. She quickly dropped the iron, made sure it was well seated on the table before switching off the socket. She had forgotten she was ironing. She wondered how many time these kids were willing to keep watching the video made for them on their wedding day. They had watched and watched the video countless times, but these kids were never tired.

See mummy.

See Daddy.

Mummy is that you?

Daddy why are you holding mummy like that?

She could remember hiding the disc somewhere only for Tofunmi, her first daughter to walk down to the sitting room one day holding it and laughing so hard just like her. "Mummy I found it. Let's watch again."

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