Chapter 49

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The next day came just like every other day. Cool breeze, lovely atmosphere, including the friendly gestures among workers never ceased. Prince Ire barely had a good sleep. The first thing that took over his mind was how to get the stolen CDs back. Also to make sure the CD with Queen Adetutu and her lover was not leaked out. He wouldn't want his father to find out in such a way. He wasn't keeping the CD to tell his Dad though. He would never do such a thing. He knew how hurt his Dad would feel. He knew how such a thing would crush him. To find out his wife once had a lover and one of the sons she claimed to be his son wasn't his. Prince Ire knew that could go a long way to affect him. Not just his Dad alone, but to every man who realizes such truth. No man wants to ever hear that in his life.

Prince Ire climbed the stairs down to the dinning table. He couldn't trust anyone working for him again because he wondered who could have taken those CDs if it wasn't someone who lived with him. Waiting for those he had called to come over and search his house, he took his seat and brought out his cellphone dialing Aramade's number. After the second ring, his call was picked with Ara's face staring at him. "Hi baby," he greeted.

Prince Ire got a quiet laughter in return. His call had woken Ara up from her sleep. Despite just waking up, Ara's smile was still beautiful with how swollen her face was. She stared back at Prince Ire without trying to hide her morning face. Her smile widened just by watching Prince Ire smiled back at her. "Good morning to the only Mumusi in my life." Ara laughed quietly after calling his surname in full. "I'm sure you woke up by 5am and watch news before coming downstairs. I miss those days."

Prince Ire managed to forget all he had in his mind and laughed. Ara's smile had brightened his day and brought hope to his heart. Her morning face was beautiful. The most beautiful thing a man wants to wake up to see and spoil it with lots of kisses. Prince Ire sent Ara a quick grin before replying. "You know you are silly Ara. I will catch you soon."

Ara laughed, poking her tongue out at Prince Ire before replying him. "Mr. Mumusi, it's early to start bragging. When am I taking you on a date too?"

"Have you ever been serious in your life?" A smile crept on Prince Ire's face. "You? Take me on date? Have never heard of a lady take a grown man like me on a date. But a try wouldn't be that bad."

"Well, now you know. It's my turn to make your day wow." Ara said with a big smile, happy to know Prince Ire accepted to give it a try even though what she was about to say was the silliest thing that came into her mind. "I love boxing," she said and almost laughed for a minute before she continued. "So I want to take you to where I practise and use you as my punching bag. Remember you promise you will do anything for me. It's gonna be fun."

Prince Ire couldn't help laughing. He refused to be deceived by Ara's innocent face. "Are you kidding me right now? If you are looking for a punching bag boyfriend, you haven't found one okay."

"What? Why the face? Someone cannot joke with you?" Ara laughed at how Prince Ire suddenly seem serious. The two talked and it lasted for minutes. Ara's laughter almost woke Omoh up. As much as Ara tried to make Prince Ire laugh, he also did the same thing to make her laugh. The two teased each other for long and laughed it off. "I love you." Prince Ire said in a calm and sweet voice getting Ara blushed multiple times.

"I love you too. Thank you so much for everything." Aramade confessed her feelings in return, a bit shy. The two laughed at each other and said their goodbyes. Immediately, Prince Ire ran back upstairs to charge his phone which was about to go off. He returned downstairs and went back to his food which was already served for him. While eating, a message was passed to Prince Ire that the King wanted to see him, and it was very urgent. Prince Ire didn't finish up his food before he left his house to meet with the King who called for him.

Dangerous LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora