Chapter 30

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Ara brought out her phone, dialing the name that came to her mind first. "Hello, this is Ara. I feel like I'm being followed. I'm really really...scared right now...what do I do? You are really just the first person that came to my mind." Ara said in a haste, looking left and right again. Everywhere looked so busy. People walking in and out, some people dropping from Lagos busses, crossing and entering another one. Sellers also calling out for customers to buy what they were selling, but Ara could tell there was someone watching her.

"Hey, calm down." Ayoola said. "Where are you right now?"

"I'm at mushin right now. Prince Ire sent me here to meet someone, but the moment I got here, I had a feeling someone recognized me or something. I walked down here and there is this guy just walking the same direction with me."

"Ire sent you to meet someone?" Ayoola repeated a bit confused by what she said. "The Ire I know would never send you to meet someone and collect things for him. There are things he loves doing by himself and that's one of them. I think you've been scammed. Who gave you that instruction?"

Ara became more scared, shaking by the side of road she stood. Could it be Florence had sent her out here to harm her? She quickly replied Ayoola. "Florence told me. She even gave me the person's contact."

"Now you need to calm down." Ayoola instructed. "They can't know you've noticed something is wrong or else they will walk down to you now and scare you with a gun to have you follow them. This is what you will do," Ayoola paused. Then he said, "there is a pharmacy close by there. I know that place. Just get into the pharmacy and buy something. Just walk without giving them any reason to be suspicious. And lastly, you will have to call the number. Now."

Ara nodded like Ayoola was standing before her. "Okay," she agreed. Then the call ended. Immediately, she dialed the number in her hand. If she had thought she was just being too scared, then she wouldn't have really believed herself when she realized she was being watched. Just like she expected, the call was instantly picked.

"Is this Ara?" The voice was deep, boring and irritating Ara with so much impatience. She couldn't wait to end the call and save herself from the alcoholic voice. What a voice!

"Yes. Where are you?" Ara replied. "I was told to meet with you."

There was a dry throaty cough Ara thought could be contacted through phone with how long the cough lasted. Sick people. She cursed. Immediately the cough ended, a reply came through. "We saw you already babe. There is a wine car behind you. Just hop in and have the goods."

Foolish people! Ara cursed again, imitating the words said by the man in her mind just with the man's voice. Just hop in and have what goods? Good for nothing kidnappers. God punish you for me.

Ara hopped right into the big pharmacy just by the road instead. She asked for the drug that came into her mind. It was one of the drugs she had bought for her mom several times. Luckily, there was a long queue, but before Ara could say jack...all the queue had reduced. The people were very fast at managing their customers which Ara didn't like at that particular time.

After the glucophage she bought was given to her. Someone walked up to her asking why she was still waiting for long after being given drugs. Ara just had to lie, but she was told she couldn't stay for long because customers staying behind for long without any reason related to the pharmacy was not allowed in there.

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