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I wake up early than usual because of the excitement. I do my usual routine and I go down to have breakfast. Today ma made my favorite breakfast parata. I quickly eat and as I'm about to go out ma stops me " beta Thoda Dahi-cheene khake Jayo( eat some curd and sugar and go)." It is believed in Indian tradition that when you're going to start something new you eat this. I quickly eat 2 spoons and I go out to see a driver waiting to drop me in college.

I reach college by 8:30 and my class starts at 9:00. I take my timetable and do as sit in the classroom that is allowed. All the classes had an introductory class as today was the first day.

It's 12:30 and it's lunchtime and I almost finished all my class except for one. So I thought that I could go and find the tattoo girl and give back her bracelet. Based on her appearance and the camera she had yesterday I think she is from the art department. I go to the arts block to try my luck but I couldn't see her anywhere. I major disadvantage I have is I don't know how she looks, but only knows her from her tattoo and her camera.

It's almost half an hour I've been searching and asking the first year's around but no one knows. I hear the bell go off indicating that it's time for class.

*time skip*

It's almost been a month since the college started and I tried searching for the tattoo girl everywhere in the college but I couldn't find her. All the class was as usual and very hectic. Lately, papa seems to have some trouble but when I ask him, he didn't want to tell me. Currently, I'm sitting in the last class of the day and I'm bored so I stare at the clock to see when the time will be up.
Soon in 10 min, the bell goes off and I go home as I brought my own car with me today. As soon as I go home I go directly into my room and lie down on my bed and close my eyes.

I'm woken up by ma shaking me to tell me that dinner is ready. I look at the clock and see its already 8:00 PM in the night. I wash my face and go down and I see papa sitting near the dining table. Soon my siblings also come down and take a seat beside me. The dinner goes in silence and no one dare talks when papa is in bad mood. After dinner, papa calls me into the study and he looked very serious . " papa Kya Hua? ( what happened)"I ask looking concerned. he sighs and starts talking to me in a serious tone " I got a call from one of the professors from cambridge university. It seems that they saw your profile that I sent. They are impressed with your performance. They want you to join the university. " I sat there in shock that papa did all of this without telling me. Its takes a lot of time to process and make the decision. " papa IIT is my dream college. I didn't have any other college in mind." I say. Papa just sighs and says " not everyone has the opportunity to study in Cambridge. Utilize it when the opportunity is given to you. And also they are giving you further studies also there only. You will have more opportunities and more interaction. And also Yash is also studying there only so you won't be alone." I think what papa is telling is also true but... " it's ok to think carefully and tell me tomorrow morning as you will leave for Cambridge in the next week." Papa gets up and goes out of the study room.

I go into my room and lie on the bed thinking what papa has told. No matter what my decision is, his decision is to send me to Cambridge and he will do it no matter what. I keep thinking about all the things I would miss. I was interrupted by my phone ringing, I pick it up and without even saying "hello" I hear shouting from another side " yoooo! I heard you are joining here. I'm going to have my best friend here with me" I hear a cheerful voice. I sigh " ya! " I say sarcastically " I have to bear you again" I jokingly say.  We talk about other stuff and soon we hang up. Again I keep thinking about all the things I will miss. Most importantly I would miss one special person whom I couldn't find. With this, I drift off to sleep...

hi, guys, I hope everyone is going well and staying safe and following quarantine. I hope you enjoy this chapter. id you like the chapter don't forget to vote and if u have any suggestions leave in the comment section. I'm celebrating my birthday in quarantine so wish me luck. 

lots of love,


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