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Currently, we are at the airport to board a flight to the Maldives. I'm very excited as I heard that the Maldives is a very romantic and lovely place. I informed my parents that I was going on a trip. I, Yash, and Ishaan were waiting for our flight to be called and also waiting for Siddharth to come. Soon Siddharth comes just before our flight was called. I sit in my seat and ask Yash to sit next to me as we were in business class there are only 2 seats. He just smiles at me and as soon as Ishaan comes, He pulls him to sit next to me. I just look at him wide-eyed. Ishaan says " if you are uncomfortable I can sit somewhere else, I shake my head in response, " no problem" I say and on the inside my heart was about to burst. The whole flight I try to clam my heart.

As soon as we come out of the airport there was a car waiting for us. Ishaan rented a small house as we don't know how long we are going to stay. I go into one of the rooms and unpack my stuff. I look outside the window to see a beautiful view of the sea. We decided to relax and go to see the location in the evening.

I go down after unpacking and see Yash in the kitchen cooking something. "Do you know how to cook?" I say him and he seems to get scared and turn to look at me. he shakes his head " Ishaan went out so I was trying to cook before he comes. "I shake my head "move, I'll cook" I  say and see what is there in the refrigerator. I cook some pasta.  As I was setting the table Ishaan comes. "Just a minute I'll bring the pasta" I say and go int the kitchen. I see Yash bringing the pasta and Siddharth also comes down and we sit together and eat.

In the evening, we go to visit the land and discuss the construction. The construction will start this week and it will take about 8 months to complete and these months we have to fly back for a few weeks to see the progress. We go in 2 different cars one which Ishaan rented and the other Siddharth rented accidentally and Siddharth has some other work to do later so we go in separate cars. I and Ishaan in one car and Yash and Siddharth in one car. The location is about 30min away from where we rented. The location is very beautiful and there is a private beach and various water activities nearby.

After looking around for some time we decided to go back to the house. As we reach the house Ishaan says " can- can you get ready in the evening, I want to take you somewhere " I look at him shocked " ME?" I ask him again and he just nods and gets out of the car. I go inside my room and lie on the bed and shout in the pillow"AAAA!" I can't believe he asked me. I immediately go through my clothes to see if I have any fancy dress. After searching for almost 40 min I find a simple yet classy dress to wear. I'm very excited but I try and control it. Suddenly someone knocks on the door, I open to see it is Yash and he comes in and sees my dress on the bed and smiles creepily "what?" I ask him. " Where are you going with this fancy dress?" I hide to hide my smile but I couldn't control it. " Why are you blushing so much. Did Ishaan ask you?" I nod and try to control my emotions " FINALLY!" Yash shouts and I close his mouth to stop him. " shut up. don't shout "I say and push him out of the room and close the door. Before I could close he says " tie your hair up. it will look good" I nod and close the door. At 7 someone knocks on the door. I was expecting to see Ishaan but I was disappointed to see Yash. As soon as Yash sees my expression " don't be sad he is waiting near the car ". " I told you to tie your hair " he puts a sad face. I just tease him by pulling my tongue out and go down.


After reaching the rented house I go and put my suitcase in the room and I go to check on the preparations for the date. I'm actually very nervous as I never planned any date. I go back after checking and see that Maanvi was setting plates. I look confused. After she told me that she cooked I was excited to try her cooking as I heard from Aaru that she is a great cook. The food tasted very delicious.

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