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I get up at a normal time but I had very disturbed sleep as I was thinking about what Yash asked me. I do my daily routine and sit with my laptop but I couldn't do anything as I was repeatedly thinking about the question. I think of all the possibilities. "What if someday I find her and she already has someone ?"  "what if we are not compatible with each other?" all the questions come up in my mind and all point towards me choosing maanvi is the best option. I secretly did watch maanvi's blog and youtube channel. I watched her Paris vlog on the day it released and I was watching her questionnaire video but I could never finish watching it as I became busy. After a long thought, I think I finally came to an answer. I check upon Aaru and Vihaan and it seems that they got better and the fever has gone down.

I got a call from the board of directors to get them the documents. I couldn't leave the house so I call Yash " Can you come and take the documents. I can't come" "ok. I'll come"Yash says on the phone. " Yash I think I have an answer for you," I say in seriousness. "what is it?" he asks with hope-filled voice. " I choose-- "I take a deep breath " I choose Maanvi. I don't know if I can ever meet my dream girl"  "YEAHHHHHHH! " I hear Yash shouting from the other side. I smile  " ok ok! I'll come to take documents " he says and cuts the call. 

I was in my room when I heard Aaru shouting. I run out of my room to see ma also is going down. I see aaru and look to see if she is hurt somewhere. when mom asked question I looked up to see maanvi standing there. I was so shocked about seeing her in the house. I had a little smile on my face. She looks so good in anything. She is wearing jeans and a top but she looks beautiful. I see Aaru and vihaan trying to control their screams in front of maanvi. When ma suggested dropping maanvi, I felt very happy that I'm gonna spend some time with her but my siblings are coming and I can't do anything. I go and change my clothes. and Yash told me earlier to get the bracelet, so I keep it in my pocket. I tell one of the drivers to get my car. 

 I take out my keys from my pocket and as I was going to the driver's seat I hear maanvi ask "where did you get this Ishaan?" I was instantly very happy as this is the first time she called me Ishaan and I never loved my name so much. It took me a few minutes to snap out of it and answer her. I look at what she is asking. I see that she is catching my favorite ring of all time that is in an infinity shape. " It was recommended by one of my friends a few years ago and I have been wearing it since" I smile a little. Aaru opens the window and shouts " that's bhai's favorite ring which he doesn't let anyone touch "I look at aaru and she immediately closes the window. maanvi hands it back to me with a huge smile. " Actually " she says and shows her hands which has a similar design ring. I look at her surprised. " I designed it myself and gave it to one of my friends for her jewelry design." I smile. " We are a perfect match" I think to myself and we sit and drive to the office. 

"can you sit in the office I have some work ?" I ask Aaru and Vihaan and they nod. We go up and I see Yash coming out of the office and he seems surprised to see me there "what are you doing here?" I pull him inside my cabin " Pagal ho Gaya hai kya? why did you send maanvi home (are you gone mad)" he just smile " did you bring what I asked you to bring ?" I nod and give him the bracelet. I tell him what happened near my house. I and Yash come out to see maanvi and my siblings in a serious discussion.  Yash says "maanu sorry yar!"  "it's ok I was with jaanu and she had to go, so I was free" I look at him confused " maanvi took a day off, and as I was about to come I got a call from the other director. so I asked maanu to come "I look at him with an angry expression and hit him on his head. 

We go to the nearby cafe and order some food and chill for a bit and then we go our own way. In the evening Yash comes home to give me some documents and notes on what happened in the meeting. We go into my room and I read through the notes . "so--" Yash starts and I listen to what he has to say. " You choose maanvi. So what is your plan next? "I shrug my shoulder  " No plan yet. " he pulls my shoulder " Are you gone crazy? Do you think she will wait for you to propose?" My inner voice agrees to what Yash is telling. Then a point strikes in my mind " Didn't you tell me that she likes someone " Yash realizes it and after some time he says "I will ask maanu about it. You just prepare a nice date for her when we arrive in the Maldives." I thank him and search for a nice place to have a date on google.  


I was very excited to see Ishaan wearing one of my limited edition rings. Ishaan comes up and takes Yash with him. I and Ishaan's siblings sit near the reception area and talk about various stuff. After talking to them I got to know that both of them love traveling and have a passion for learning new cultures. " if your parents agree you can do a video with me. it will be fun" I say and they jump in happiness. Soon Ishaan comes down and we go to the near cafe to have some food and then we go our own ways.

As soon as I go home I change my clothes and lie on my bed browsing through youtube for something interesting to watch. It was in the evening I decided to cook something for myself and I look up a recipe for naan (Indian bread) and some curry. As soon as I finish making it which took about an hour,  Yash calls. " yes?" I ask." I have something important to talk about. Are you free?" I put a confused face but answer him " What is it?" " remember you told me you liked someone?" I nod but I forgot that he couldn't see "yes" I answer him "I wanted to know if you still like that guy?" I'm shocked by the question he asked " why are you asking it suddenly?" "I'm asking because- because one of Dhruv's cousins wanted your number so to tell him," he says in a hurry. I laugh " hmm, I like him now as a person without any love interest but I would like to meet him one day. " " so now you don't like anyone ?" I was thinking whether to tell him or not but I consider him as my best friend so I decided to tell him "I do like someone. So tell that cousin whoever it is that I'm not interested". "WHAT!" Yash shouts on the phone and I had to put the phone in a distance to my ear so that my eardrums don't get damaged.  " Now who is that guy?" Yash asks me. " DO NOT TELL IT TO ANYONE " I warn Yash on the phone. " I won't tell ANYONE. now tell me ". "its-- its-- Ishaan" I answer and complete silence is heard from Yash's side. " hello! hello!" I think Yash snaps out of his thought by my voice.  "yeah yeah I'm there. Ok, I'll tell Dhruv's cousin that you are seeing someone" he cuts the call. I eat my dinner and sleep as we have to travel in 2 days.



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Hi guys. Here is another chapter of Inked With Love. So now we know that both Ishaan and Maanvi have feelings for each other. will Ishaan ask Maanvi to be his girlfriend or not is the main question. If you like the story don't forget to vote and if you have any suggestions leave in the comments.


Lots Of Love,


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