Kapittel 7

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Tord's POV

"Anyways, what'd you need Thomas?" I ask

"Don't call me that" Tom grumbled walking up to my desk "But I would like for you to answer my question" Tom asked

"Hmm? What question?" I ask

"Yesterday when I was in that shitty hospital bed" Tom said

I was confused, I don't remember any questio- Oh wait. That "Yes" I said "I remember that day every single day of my life Thomas. I can't forget that. Yet I want to" I said and looked at my robot hand "I'll never be able to forget" I said

Tom was silent, he was just staring at my hand. Robotic one. I sighed standing up "You wanna see how it looks like now?" I ask

He stayed silent, so I just took off my blue trench coat. Setting it on the back of my chair. Then pulling off my hoodie, revealing all my scars. Tom stood there shocked

"I did that..?" Tom asked

"Yes Thomas" I said pulling my hoodie back on "I clearly can't forget what happened then" I said with a sigh. I sat back in my chair "So is that all you wanted or..?" I said

"I don't know. Pat and Paul told me you wanted to see me" Tom said

I sighed "Great" I said standing up again "How 'bout I give you a tour of the base, hm? At least you can find your way throughout the place" I said walking past him to the door, stopping to wait for him

Tom realizing what was going on and walked over to me "Why do you have to give me a tour? I don't want to be with you" Tom grumbled

"To bad Thomas. Pat and Paul left you with me so I'm gonna get this over with. The quicker the better for you" I said opening the door "Oh and I've noticed that you put on the suit I gave you, that makes me happy" I said and started walking away

Tom catching up to me "Stupid Commie..." Tom grumbled which I heard

"Mhmm" I hummed not really caring what Tom was saying "Anyways, well go towards the cells, and then the cafeteria. As we are there we can stop to eat" I said crossing my arms behind my back

Walking like this is a way of showing your power without needing to speak. And this is also a very comfortable way to walk. (But seriously it is. I walk like that at times when I'm talking to someone. I don't know why but it's somehow really comfy. I don't understand-)

Tom only nodded. Satisfied that he actually answered with at least something. We made our walk to there. I telling him which room is which, and where is everything. He's gonna have a better map of the place when I finish his goggles. But til then he'll have to wait

-Time skip-

Tom's POV

Going to the cells wasn't so bad due to us being there already. So I already knew the way. We'd arrived at the cafeteria and the soldiers were looking at me. If was making me uncomfortable. Yet I still followed behind that communist. He stopped and turned to face me

"Sit here and wait for me to return. I will go get Edd and Matt" And with that he was gone

I just sat at the table which no one was at and we were next to. Most soldiers were looking at me, murdering things in a language I don't understand yet recognize

I think they're speaking Norwegian? That Communist does speak that, rarely tho. Only when he's throwing insults at me

I groaned, I don't want to be here! Someone was brave enough to get up their lazy ass and walk over to me. I looked at him, making it clear I know he's there

"What are you doing here?" He asked, which his English was absolute shit

"It's not like I want to be in this shit place. I forced by a Communist" I growled "Oh and please, work on your English, it's shit" I said

He growled under his breath "What did you just say?" He growled

"Did you not here me? Get your ears checked" I said

That just made him more angry "You fucking bitch!" He growled

"Um no. Fuck you" I said with a smirk

I could tell he wanted to smack that smirk off of my face, which he did try. But sadly failed, making me punch him instead. Tord and I have fought a lot in the past and I still fucking hate his guts

So beating his ass won't be difficult. Most likely it'll be fun to say. He fell onto the ground his hand over his cheek where I punched

"I'm sorry did I hurt you?" I said with sarcasm smirking

He tried to trip me but failed, I kicked him in the stomach, knocking the air out of him. He groaned in pain gripping his stomach. By now everyone was silent and watching this all unravel

"If that Commie is supposed to be your so called leader he does a shit job a training you" I said "Or is it that you're just shit" I said with a smirk

Most of the other soldiers gasped at my remark. Probably because I insulted their "leader" ugh, fucking communist. Oh and speaking of the devil, he's finally back

"Thomas!" Tord growled "What are you doing!?" Tord said angry of course

"Oh nothing" I said "Just telling your soldiers that your a piece of shit" I said

Tord growled "I have no time to deal with this shit" Tord said smacking me upside the head "Now sit the fuck down and keep you damn mouth shut" Tord growled

"No, how 'bout you fuck off!" I said punching him in the stomach, he grasped his stomach in pain yet he stood

"Ok Tom, that's enough!" Edd said separating me from Tord

"Fucking Commie..." I grumbled and sat down because Edd made me

"Everyone back to whatever you were doing" Tord said before looking at the guy on the ground "You're off the hook this time Jared, now get" Tord growled

Jared instantly got up and scurried away. Tord let out a frustrated sigh before sitting down

"Thomas, what the fuck happened?" Tord asked I can see he's trying to keep calm

"He tried to hit me! What else do you expect me to do!? Sit there and let him do it!?" I said "I'm not gonna let someone beat my ass..." I growled lowly

Tord chuckled "Well, I have before" Tord smirked

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