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Updated at 4:29PM


Tom's POV

I was laying on my bed facing the wall, Lax left after I beat the shit out of him. I had to let out some steam, and he happened to be kind enough to help with that. And plus, he's an asshole and I've wanted to do that ever since I first meet him during the first meeting with Yellow

I was broken from my thoughts when words appeared onto my headset screen. And by now I've been used to seeing them

Incoming call...
Answer - Decline

And of course like every other time, I answer his call. And yes, I did change his name so suck it (Tom you shouldn't talk about yourself like that)

"Hey" I said

Tord chuckled softly "Hello Thomas" Tord said

"Why'd you call me this time?" I ask

"Well I have Edd and Matt on a call, they wanted to talk to you" Tord said "They're on speaker, I don't know if you can hear them" Tord said "Can you guys hear Tom?" Tord asked

"Uh, tell him to speak" Matt said

Before Tord could speak I did "I can hear you guys just fine" I laughed "But I have a question to ask you Red" I said, I have no reason to call Tord, Red I just felt like it. Shut up (And it's totally not for plot purposes because I don't want Anestesia to know that Tord is Red Leader yet- Nooooo it totally isn't that)

"Hm?" Tord hummed

"How are you talking to all of us in the same time? Do you have another phone of some shit?" I ask

Tord chuckled "Well kinda. I have one installed into my robot arm, I thought it would've been better to have one on it. Since I don't always have my phone on me" Tord said "And plus, if something where to ever happen to me I can call someone. My arm is surgically attached to my body, so you can't take that shit off easily" Tord said with a laugh

"I never knew about that" I said

"Didn't find a reason to bring it up" Tord said "Anyways, Edd and Matt are technically here" Tord laughed reminding there are two others present and they can hear us

"Yea... Oh! Hi Edd! Hi Matt!" I said

They chuckled "Hello Tom" Edd said

"Hey Tom!" Matt said "I hope you're alright" Matt said

"I'm fine. Well other than beating someone's ass I'm good" I said

"Wait what" Tord said

"Y'know Lax?" I ask

"Lax? That's Yellow's secretary if I remember correctly" Tord said

"Yea" I said "I beat his ass" I said

Tord burst out laughing, causing me to chuckle "That asshole knew it was gonna come one day!" Tord laughed calming down a bit

I chuckled again rolling my eyes "He deserved it. That bitch fucking slapped me" I shrugged

"He slapped you!? Why!?" Tord asked

"I said something like him couldn't make me cry. He got offended and slapped me" I said

Tord laughed "What a bitch" Tord chuckled

I chuckled "Yep" I said

Ringo's POV (Short)

I sat in the shitty hospital bed silently watching and listening to Edd and Matt. As well as for the conversation happening on the phone. Tho I eventually zoned out. I wasted no time turning into my cat form and jumping off the bed. I ran over to the door squeezing myself through the crack

I ignored Edd and Matt's question of where I was heading. I just ran to Tom's room.. Once arriving I ran into his room closing the door behind me and hopping into his bed. I curled up into a ball into the blankets

Please be ok Tom.. I'm scared...

Anestesia's POV

-Time skip-

Tom had ended his conversation with Red and seemingly two others called Edd and Matt a while ago. After a bit I decided it was best to 'wake up'. So now we both sat on Tom's bed

"Hey Tom. You never told me the names of your friends you used to live with" I said breaking the silence

Tom perked up at the sudden question "My friends..? Oh!" Tom said realizing what I had meant "I lived with three people. Only two stayed tho. Edd and Matt. We're really close friends" Tom said "Tho Edd and Matt technically aren't friends anymore" Tom smiled

"What?" Now I was confused

Tom chuckled "It's not what you think. They're married now" Tom said

My eyes widen "Wow.. That took a big turn" I laughed

"That a good thing or a bad thing?" Tom asked

"Good thing. It took a big turn in the best way" I laugh "And plus, I don't mind of gay relationships. I, for a fact, am bisexual. And one of my brothers are gay" I said simply "So I'm not homophobic if you were wondering" I said

Tom let out a sigh, almost in relief "Thank god. I didn't want you to be weirded out, much less disgusted that my friends are gay" Tom said clearly relieved "And also, I am gay" Tom said giving me a kind smile

I chuckled "How long did it take you to find that out?" I ask as a joke

Tom obviously not catching on it was a joke and taking it seriously he said "Well I-.." Tom paused before staring at the bed, the look on his face is like; Wait. When and how did I find out? I couldn't help myself and burst out laughing

Tom's face flushed a deep red from embarrassment "Don't laugh!" He exclaimed causing me to laugh more

I calmed myself down from laughing. Tom's face was crimson red, he had his arms crossed and looking anywhere else but me "Awe, what's wrong Tommy? Just found out?" I teased

"I-.. I don't even know" Tom said staring at the bed

I giggled "There must be someone who made you think so.. So, who do you think this guy is?" I ask curiously

Tom was silent for a minute before speaking quietly "Holy shit I fell for Red.." He muttered under his breath, he sounded so surprised


Aaaaaa- I feel so bad that I'm doing this to Ringo!! She's so kind and she cares so much about Tom's safety. It hurts writing this.. So much sadness for Ringo... She's just so scared..

To be honest, when I wrote it I was in a sad mood. Most of my stories are related to how I feel at the moment. Sometimes it isn't, I can be fucking sad but making something happy. I don't understand myself and it concerns me honestly

Remember you're loved and someone cares about you. (That someone is me)
Here, take some of my love
( Ò〰Ó)っ❤️💙
Have a nice day/evening/night whatever time it is!
Stay safe everyone!!

~Ewesha out

My Fair Thomas... | TordTom [] WTFuture []Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin