Kapittel 37

812 32 55

Updated at 3:23PM


Tord's POV

I was laying in bed, trying to sleep like Pat had wanted me to. I had yet to fall asleep. That was the annoying part. I was startled when my phone started ringing. I groaned rolling over and picking up my phone. Not caring to check who it was and clicked on the answer button before putting my phone up to my ear

"Hello?" I lazily answered

"Hey Tord, wassup?" I recognized the voice. It was Ringo

"Oh,, Ringo it's you.." I said laying back into my bed with a quiet sigh "Nothing, just trying to sleep because my father wanted me to" I sighed "My back is fucking killing me tho" I groaned

Ringo chuckled "Reasonable" Ringo said, causing me to chuckle

"Yea... That's kinda my bad.." I chuckled "Anyway, how's Thomas doing?" I ask

"Oh, he's good" Ringo said causing me to smile

"Good, because if someone dares to lay a hand on him, I swear to fucking god they'll regret it" I said

Ringo chuckled "Calm yo ass down. He's fine. I promise you" Ringo reasured

I sighed "Right.." I perked up when I heard my bedroom door open

"Tord? Who are you talking to?" Pat questioned

"Ringo, she just called me a few minutes ago" I answered "Hold on" I said before pulling the phone away from my ear and putting it on speaker "You're on speaker now Ringo" I said

"Ok" Ringo said

"Hey, how's it doing Ringo?" Pat asked

"Great. Thanks for asking Pat" Ringo said causing Pat to chuckle

"Anyways. Tord, I swear, I want you to get some rest. You can talk to Ringo for a bit but I want you in bed" Pat said

I sighed "Yes Pa" I said

"Good" Pat said before smiling "Ringo don't keep Tord up to long" Pat said opening my bedroom door "'Night Tord, love ya" Pat said

"Love you too Pa, and 'night to you too!" I said before he left

I took my phone off speaker and put it up to my ear, I could hear Ringo giggling

"Now Pat's the one taking care of you" Ringo said

"Well, my parents are both keeping an eye on me. Reality and Syvia are both able to keep me company. Syvia always warning Reality to be careful" I chuckled, and so did Ringo

I jumped when Reality burst into the room "Hello!" She exclaimed

"Ah fuck!" I cursed, by jumping so suddenly it hurt my back "Fucking hell Reality!? Don't scare me like that!" I said rubbing my back in pain. Reality burst into laughter "How is me being in pain funny!?" I said, huffing frustratedly

Reality giggled... Evilly.. "Oh you know. I've been around for a while and it's just gotten very amusing" Reality said "Who ya talking to?" She asked hopping over to me and sitting on my bed

"Ringo" I said

She smiled "How she doing?" Reality asked

I pulled my phone away and put it on speaker "Why don't ya ask her yourself" I said

"Hey Ringo! How you doin' over there?" Reality asked

"Just great thanks for askin'!" Ringo said chuckling "How're you?" Ringo asked

"Oh y'know. Same old, same old" Reality laughed

"Yea, bugging me all day" I muttered glaring at her

"Aw, c'mon Mr. Horns (She just went there- Tord. She used the horns-!) don't be so angry" Reality said

"Really?" I said "Why do you do this to me?" I asked shaking my head in disappointment

"It's fun to tease ya" Reality said with a smirk

I hummed "Well fuck you too" I said "Anyway, 's there something ya wanted Ringo?" I ask just now acknowledging that she was the one who called me

"Ah no, not really, I just wanted to talk to you. See how you're doing and all" Ringo answered simply

"Oh" I said

Reality being, well Reality, poked my none scarred cheek, for, I have no clue why. I looked at her almost glaring "Why?" Was all I said

Reality turned into a fit of giggles "I don't know. I'm bored!" Reality said poking me again

"Stop it" I said pushing her hand away. She didn't stop. She made a face that resembles a cat face. You could almost see a '>:3' right there. She poked me again "Don't do that face, you remind me of Edd when you do that" I pushed her hand away

"What??" Ringo asked, I honestly forgot she was there for a second

"Reality, she's making this weird cat face Edd used to do when he annoyed us. You remember that too right?" I ask

Ringo giggled "Yea I know what you mean" Ringo said

"Dude, I really don't understand you're friend group. Like at all" Reality said

"And what don't you understand exactly?" I ask

"Well first off, from what you told me about Edd and Matt, it's very confusing on how you four stayed together and all. Everything is just weird- No offense" Reality said

I chuckled "It's fine" I said "I guess it makes sense. Just to anyone who'd see us would think we're strange. Tom and I fought all the time basically, and everyone would never expect us to stay around each other. But there's Edd and Matt. Technically our only reason to stay. Well probably just Thomas'. They're all my reason to stay. And people might see Matt as someone who's just overly obsessed with himself. Well I say, if you get to know him better, and you'll find out he isn't exactly what he seems" I chuckled

"Edd, well there's nothing much to the eye from a stranger, then it is different from a friend. He's always nice to everyone, and that's what makes him, him" I said "We all got our differences but we sticked together no matter what. And having all these differences makes life more interesting and exciting. Right?" I said

Reality smiled "Right" Reality agreed "You should have fun while you can! It won't last forever. And treasure your memories because you might lose them when you're older" Reality said (Very wise words everyone. You should remember that you're not always young. So enjoy it while it lasts because you won't be young forever) "But I'm very happy that you have such great friends Tord. I could say your life in London was better than the one you had here" Reality said

"It is! Well from what I know" Ringo said chuckling

I smiled "Yea, it is.." I said

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