Kapittel 30

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Updated at 3:05PM


Tom's POV

It's been over a year and a half sense I've got my headset. (By year, I mean it as the rest of the year where we were at) And now seeing that I'm still breathing and walking, the cure Tord had the doctors give me was real. I guess he really does want to protect me, honestly I barely believed him

But going further on, I can tell he's serious. And I'm actually kinda happy, it's good to know someone is willing to do pretty much anything to keep you safe. Which is technically what Tord is doing. The poor man hardly takes care of himself anymore

I went back to my normal job. At the moment I'm doing patrol. I've gotten used to the headset, Tord had helped me learn what everything is and does. Honestly it's very helpful. He had explained to me he had a chip implanted into my head while I was out

It's used as a way to find my headset if someone were to ever take it off. It works weirdly. Whenever they would be taken off from my face, I would see and outline of it wherever it is. I honestly don't know how Tord made something that is able to do that, but I bet it'll come in handy one day

As I was walking my radio, which I had attached to the hem of my pants, blared a soldier's voice

"Red Leader! We're under attack!!" The voice yelled, you could hear people shouting in the background "Enemy soldiers attacking the East-!" The soldier was cut off and the line went silent as you can hear a loud explosion coming from the East side of the base

My eyes widen from hearing it. I turned around and ran towards the East. Once arriving the whole side was on fire, some soldier were limping out, and carrying another soldier along. And many were alone. There wasn't many soldiers coming out of it tho. Meaning everyone else must've died or are stuck in there

I went over to the nearest soldier, who was dragging another soldier who was wounded and barely awake. The soldier dragging the male seemed to be hurt to as all the blood on himself and the way he walked. I helped him bring the wounded soldier back

"What happened?" I ask the male, who my goggles scanned and told me his name was Oliver

"We were attacked, soldiers just ambushed us" Oliver responded "They wore green and black, some wore purple and black" Oliver said "Their apart of the rebellion" Oliver said

Ok I just wanna say this. In this book how you know if someone is in an Army and the Rebellion is by the color of their trench coat. For an Army it'll be blue, any type of blue it won't matter. And the Rebellion would be black, any shade of grey would do as well. The color of their uniforms underneath their trench coats is how you can tell which Army/Rebellion they're in. It's kinda stupid now that I say it but it'll make the story more interesting and less complicated. Alright that's all, so you can go back to reading now-

I nodded as I helped Oliver and the man to the side. Letting Oliver go over to the infirmary to get himself and the soldier tented as soon as possible. As for I, I ran looking for Tord, as he wanted me to go see him at the armory

Tord's POV

I ran over to the nearest armory, which was the one on the West side of the base. I requested for Tom to meet me there so I can talk to him. The base was under attack and you honestly never know what'll happen. I quickly picked up some guns. Putting a pistol in holster on my belt

I strapped a rifle to my back, grabbing two pistols to use. The one on my belt is for just in case. I have a dagger hidden on me if it ever comes to that. I was knocked out of my thoughts when Tom entered the armory breathing heavily. It just proving the point he had ran here

"Sir! I'm here! I'm here.." Tom panted

I smiled, mostly in relief Tom was alright, I walked over to him "I see you're alright" I said as I stood in front of him

He let out a breath nodding "I'm fine" Tom said "So what is it you need? We gotta help the others" Tom said looking up at me

I slipped one arm around Tom's waist pulling him close to me, causing his face to redden. That made me smile and blush a little as well

"I want you too watch yourself out there Thomas" I said "You get hurt or something happens to you, I'm not going to be to happy (With who hurt his little blue boi) Also, the readers will kill them. I don't want you getting hurt. And you won't, not on my watch" I said "But still be careful" I said "Understood?" I ask

"Y-yes sir" Tom said

"Good. Stay safe, kjære" I said before pulling him into a soft kiss

After a minute I pulled away. Tom stood wide eyed and his mouth slightly agape. Making him look adorable. I chuckled pulling myself away from him and leaving the armory

Tom's POV

I was broken from my shocked daze by gunshots. They sounded close, I could hear soldiers and the other soldiers yelling, but it all sounded like it was coming from outside. I was quick to grab a gun before running out the armory and out the base

There were soldiers everywhere. Bullets flying, bodies dropping here and there. But now I can see the Rebellion Army Olivier had mentioned. They all wore a black trench coat, and half wore green turtle necks underneath as the other wore purple

I ran over taking cover behind a conveniently placed wall- Ok nevermind that. Soldiers stood in the open all shooting at the enemy. I didn't see Tord, even tho he's out here somewhere. I pushed the thoughts back, peaking around and shooting some of the opposing soldiers before hiding again

I stood up and began moving forward. Shooting those who tried to shot me. I looked around and spotted Tord shooting Rebellions, I looked forward before running over to him. Someone was able to sneak up behind him and point the gun to the back of his neck making him freeze

I could see his mouth move indicating that he was talking. I grabbed the pistol I have holstered on my belt to carry around. I aimed it at the man and shot, striking him in the head. Tord looked at me as he feel the gun leave the back of his neck. He gave me a quick appreciated smile

He began shooting again as I reached him. When he was done he looked back at me, I stood at an angle so I was technically in front of him but in the same time I'm not. I could see a glint of happiness in his eyes as he looked at me. Tho it disappeared as he glanced at something behind me

"Shit" He muttered before grabbing onto my arm and pulling me into him

That was all I remember before everything went black

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