Kapittel 67

552 21 33

I shall now update because I totally didn't forget

Updated at 5:13PM


Tom's POV

I blushed raising my hand to trace my fingers over the mark Tord had left. I looked away, I swear my face must be the darkest color of red.

"Who made it?" Anestesia asked

"Well u-uh.. I-..." I stuttered, I looked down at my lap "It was.. Tord.." I muttered his name

"What?" Anestesia questioned

"Tord" I said a bit louder "He made it.." I said embarrassed

"Oh.. Are you two together?" Anestesia asked. I shook my head "Then-"

I cut her off "I woke up to him kissing my neck. I let him mark me.." I said

"Oh" Anestesia said

I laid down again pulling the blankets back over me. I giggled when I felt Ringo rub her head on the back of mine before jumping over me and lying down in front of my chest. I brought my hand up and ran it through her soft fur

"Ringo is her name right?" Anestesia asked

I nodded humming "It was a name chosen by Edd" I said running my fingers through her fur tangling them but being careful to not hurt her

Anestesia hummed noting she understood, reaching over she began petting Ringo softly. Which Ringo started purring, I smiled, bringing my hand to her head I rubbed the side near her ear with my thumb

"Did you know Tord had a cat when he was younger?" Anestesia asked

I looked at her "Actually, he never mentioned that. I just knew he liked cats by the fact he was always around Ringo" I said

Anestesia giggled "He really likes fluffy things, that's what I know" Anestesia said "But the cat he had was a white Norwegian forest cat. Her name is Sae" (The name idea was from ButterspizzaBP) Anestesia said

"Oh, well now I know" I laughed

Anestesia giggled retracting her hand from Ringo and pulling her legs onto the bed. Sitting criss cross her hands onto her ankles, she usually sat like that when we were talking back at the Yellow Army. We talked about our lives or anything that would come up. Sometimes I talked to her about what Lexion did to me during torture.. Tho it was usually after it happened I would talk about it

We sat in a comfortable silence, well I was laying but same thing. Ringo snuggled up to me curling up into a ball. Anestesia looked over at us and smiled

"Ringo's sweet" Anestesia spoke "Well from what I know" Anestesia chuckled

I glanced up at her "Yea she is" I smiled bringing my gaze back over to Ringo

"Do you plan on telling Tord soon?" Anestesia asked

Confused I looked at her "Of?" I questioned

"That you like him" Anestesia said "It's obvious he likes you" Anestesia said

"I don't know" I said "He could just be playing with me.." I muttered (Bitch- He kissed you many times-)

"I don't think Tord would play with someone for this long" Anestesia said

"What do you mean?" I ask

"He's been in love with you ever sense you guys were friends" Anestesia said making my eyes widen

"But how would you know that? Aren't you younger than he is?" I ask

"I am, but I had asked him about what love felt like once and you were practically his explanation" Anestesia said "And plus, he talked about you none stop. My Ma and Pa were always so interested in you because they wanted to know the boy who made their little boy so happy" Anestesia remarked

"Yea I remember there were times Tord wanted to introduce us to his family but he would just chicken out" I said

"You know, when he found out he liked you it was around preschool" Anestesia said "He knew nothing about love, that was until he decided to talk to Ma and Pa about what he was feeling" Anestesia said

I looked down "During highschool was when we started fighting. We never got along since then" I sighed

"Tord still loved you even tho you guys fought all the time" Anestesia said looking at the door "He didn't want to because he knew all he would get was heartbreak. He tried many things to fall out of love, he tried distracting himself, tried to ignore you. Tried being with someone to see if they would change his view on you" Anestesia said

"But nothing worked" Anestesia said "Well always talked, he told me a lot about himself. He told me what he goes through. I don't know if you knew, but a big part of highschool Tord was depressed" Anestesia said

"Yea I remember, Matt had found razors in his room and we confronted him. We found out he was cutting" I said "Matt was able to talk to him and he told him he did it because he felt unwanted in the group" I said

"There was that, yes. But the other reason was because of all the negativity about loving you. He honestly hated that he did but in the same time didn't" Anestesia said "He did learn that he couldn't do anything and just accepted it" Anestesia paused "He accepted it before when he left" Anestesia continued

"When he left to create the Army.." I said

"I guess that's why he left" Anestesia said "We lost contact with him for a while when he moved in with you guys, he still tried to talk to us whenever he can. But when he left it was the last talk I had with him. I haven't heard nor seen him hence" Anestesia said

"Tho I never knew why he left until now" Anestesia chuckled "I was both shocked and surprised to see him at the Yellow Army to come and get you" Anestesia said "Tho I've been wondering, why did he want to start an Army?" Anestesia asked bringing her gaze to me

"We've been on a whole lot of adventures in the past. We've been to hell, literally. We've went into an underground Temple, which might I add, was one of the worst adventure for me" I said "But we did for one thing, join the Army" I said

"We had accidentally blew up Yellow's last Base" I said "So that's most likely why she's one of Tord's enemies. And if I remember correctly, wasn't Paul in the Yellow Army before being in the Red?" I ask "Anyway, Tord said he liked the thrill and he wanted to see what it felt like to have power" I said

"He loved the feeling of fighting" I said "He loves guns, so what'd I expect?"

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