Kapittel 57

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Hi, how are ya?

Memes- •√•

That picture above defines Tord's love for Tom in this book-

Updated at 3:34PM


Anestesia's POV

I was woken up by ".... I am going to fucking murder you one day" My sleep intruder said. The voice belonging to Tom

He's probably on another call with someone..

It went silent for a minute answering my question "Fine. I won't. But I will be very close to" Tom said "No, she's asleep. Why you ask?" Tom said

Is he talking about me..? He must be

"But think about it" Tom said "I had told her that I was taken from my home, which was my apartment as you already know. And brought to the Red Army" Tom said "Honestly, how would you react if I told you just that and you didn't know me. On top of that, what would you think of me if I told you I'm Red Leader's secretary" Tom said

My eyes widen

He works for Red Leader..? Well I guess that explains to why he's here..

Tom went silent for a bit before talking again "Yea, Edd, Matt and I became more cautious after, y'know. And since you had your soldiers going around looking for people, well us. We weren't exactly expecting them to be looking for us at that time" Tom said

Is.. Is he talking to Red Leader? Wait.. It was Red he was talking to yesterday wasn't it

"You know we were stuck in that jail cell for around a week" Tom said

Jail cell? Is he working for the Red Army against his will?

"You work to much" Tom huffed I heard shuffling below me, I assume he had moved "You're really not gonna stop it with the compliments are you?" Tom asked

Compliments..? Why would Red Leader compliment Tom? Not like he doesn't deserve a compliment! But the Red Leader, compliment someone? Or is it even the Red Leader he's talking to?

Tom chuckled "I'm still not used to getting complimented so often. It's.. Weird" Tom said

Tom's POV

"Well get used to it Thomas. Because I will compliment you" Tord said "I want you to know how beautiful you are even tho you don't think so" Tord said

I blushed "Why do you gotta be so cheesy? You're reminding me of one of those cheesy romance novels" I said chuckling

Tord chuckled "Is that a compliment?" Tord asked

"Take that as you will" I laughed

"Y'know, this kinda reminds me of highschool a bit" Tord said

"How in the world does this remind you of highschool? Back then this whole thing wouldn't even happen!" I said

"No, not that. I mean complimenting you" Tord said "I remember when you used to be so self conscious about your eyes" Tord said

"I'm not self conscious about them.." I said trying not to sound like I'm lying, but my voice coming out quieter then wanted to. I turned to face the room door curling up slightly

"Your voice says otherwise" Tord sighed "Thomas don't let anyone say less about them. They're beautiful. And unique. It's not everyday where someone has eyes like yours" Tord said

"And it's not everyday where people like me for it.." I said

"No Thomas, don't say that. If people can't see how beautiful they are then they can go screw themselves. Because your eyes are what make you, you" Tord said "If others can't see that then you shouldn't waist your time with them" Tord said

"Why is it always you who ends up comforting me about my eyes..?" I ask

"Because I see their beauty when others don't" Tord said "Do you know how much I didn't want to give you that headset?" Tord asked

"No, why?" I ask

"Because if I did, I wouldn't be able to see your eyes again" Tord said causing me to blush

"Does Edd and Matt see their beauty like you do..?" I ask quietly

Tord sighed "I doubt it's the same way I see them. But they don't care about your looks, they care about who you are" Tord said "They stayed with you throughout life right?" Tord asked

"Right.." I said

"They're your friends, they care about you" Tord said "Like I do" Tord said softly

I smiled softly "Thanks..." I said quietly, it almost came out as a whisper

Tord chuckled softly "There's no need to thank me Thomas" Tord said "I just want you to see the beauty I see in you" Tord said

I blushed "You're so cheesy I swear.." I mumbled

Tord heard what I said and laughed "Am I cheesy enough to be Doritos?" Tord chuckled

I chuckled "You'll probably be nacho cheese" I laugh

"Yea, not yo cheese" Tord snickered "But, I won't mind being yours~" Tord said

My face heated up more "I can just hear your smirk, you ass" I laughed quietly

Tord laughed as well "Well I'm known to be cheesy" Tord said smugly (He's a smugly mudafucker.. I'm sorry I'll just leave-)

"Yes. You're one hell of a cheesy bitch, and I bet ya, you can confirm that with Matt" I said

Tord chuckled "Yea that's true" Tord said

"Anyway, completely forgetting that you woke me up. Is there something you wanted to ask me?" I ask

"Mm no" Tord said

"Then why'd you wake me up? You know I hate being woken up early" I grumbled

"What? You hungover? No? Well stop complaining" Tord laughed "And I just wanted to hear your voice" Tord said I can hear his smile in his words

"What's so special with my voice huh?" I ask "Your accent sticks out like a sore thumb" I said

"'S that a good thing?" Tord asked

"Actually yes it is" I said with a smile

"Great" Tord said "But what I think about your voice. I find it's so soothing, is how I would put it. The way your accent sticks out after you wake up, and how quiet and soft your voice is when your tired" Tord said "I just love hearing it" Tord said

"You done day dreaming about me yet?" I ask

"Shut the fuck up-" Tord said, I wish I could see his face, I bet it'd be so red

I laugh at his words

My Fair Thomas... | TordTom [] WTFuture []Where stories live. Discover now