Kapittel 11

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Tom's POV

I kept poking at Tord's head, hoping that would do something at least. He stirred in his sleep grumbling words I do not understand "Wake up you stupid Commie" I said. That's when his eyes finally fluttered open "Fucking finally" I groaned walking back to the chair taking a seat once again

With a yawn Tord straightened his posture, stretching in the same time "What are you doing here..?" Tord asked tiredly

I felt my face heat up to the sound of his voice, damn his accent is strong in the morning "I woke up in your bed, I'm assuming that is your bed anyways" I said and yawned, damn it

"Aw yea, you fell asleep in the chair, I figured you could use something at least more comfortable" Tord said

Tord's POV

"Oh really? That's really hard to believe" Tom said crossing his arms

Oh that's not the actual reason kjærlighet, you just deserve to have a comfortable place to rest

"What else do you think I would put you in MY bed? Just so I can sleep here and you have a great rest in my room?" I ask "I could've honestly put you on the floor if ya wanted" I said

"Fuck you..." Tom grumbled

Haha, I'm glad you're still the same old Thomas I love~

Just then I realize the headset wasn't on my desk "Uh Thomas, what happened to what I was working on?" I ask

"I put it in your desk, where I saw you put it last time... While you where asleep" Tom said

I stared at him for a second before leaning back into my chair opening the drawer. He wasn't lying at least, it was there. I picked it up and placed it on my desk before closing the drawer

"So Thomas. I've been thinking" I said beginning to work on the headset

"Stop calling me that.." He grumbled "And what?" He growled slightly

I thought it was cute

"Well I do need a secretary and, or bodyguard..." I trailed off

"Where exactly are you getting at Commie?" Tom asked

I let out a low sigh "I've chosen you to be it" I said still not removing my gaze from the headset

His eyes widen "What!? No! I will not!" Tom said standing up

I sighed "Look Tom, I want to help you. I want to make sure your safe.. But I can't do that if you're not around now can I? And if you become my secretary, I can keep an eye on you" I said "Honestly, anyone would love to have that position in the Army. But I completely get were you're at" I said

Tom was about to speak but I continued "I know you still hate me, and you won't trust me so easily. But I promise to keep you safe" I said finally looking up at him "No it wasn't a promise I made to Edd. Nor Matt. It wasn't a promise someone else told me to do. I chose this on my own" I said

"If you were to be my secretary you will have to do some work, but not much. And you'd have to help me with things" I said "I don't care about what you do or say when we're not in public. But if we were out and about, there would be a few ground rules. There not bad so don't worry" I said

"So if you agree to this, willingly, we can discuss things out. So we're both comfortable with things" I said "And remember Thomas, I just want to help you. I want you to be safe" I said "So, whaddya say?" I ask leaning back into my chair

Tom's eyes were still wide, his mouth slightly agape, in a cute way. Obviously shocked by my words "I can let you think out your decision, Thomas. I don't want to force you into this, so if you do agree. I'd be more than happy" I said with a slight smile

Tom was silent, I sighed "Go on to your room Thomas. Get some rest if you need to" I said

Tom silently nodded before walking out of my office. I sighed once again before going back to the headset. I was planning on finishing this in a span of at least two months. But seeing how complicated this is. It's going to take longer. I am trying to make a sense work again here

This is gonna be complicated

Tom's POV

I quietly made my way to my room, despite the stares from the soldiers. I was still trying to process what Tord said

Why me tho..? Why am I the one he wants? And what use will I do? I only have a few months left!

I had arrived to my room, and Ringo sat at the front of the door. As if waiting for me

Probably was, not gonna lie

I opened my door and she ran inside, I couldn't help but chuckle. After walking in I closed the door behind me looking for the cat whom just ran into my room. Which I spotted her sitting on my bed

"So, Ringo, did you wait for me at my door the whole time?" I ask. She nodded, yea she's well thought ok- "I was waiting for Tord to get up, but an hour passed and he still hadn't so I woke him up. But then he asked me something I never expected" I said

Ringo looked at me curiously as I sat next to her "He wants me to be his, secretary" I said "Like, why me?" I asked "Anyways, why weren't with Edd hm?" I asked "Oh? So you ditched Edd then?" I ask, she shook her head jumping off the bed and ran over to the door looking back at me before motioning to it with her head

Confused I got up and walked over to the door opening it. Ringo ran out and over to Edd and Matt's room, she scratched at the door wanting me to open it. So I did. The room was empty

"They're not here, why exactly do you want to go into their room?" I ask

Ringo ran over to their bed jumping on it, that's when I notice it. There lied a note. I hurried over to the bed picking up the note, reading through it

Hey Tom,

Matt and I are leaving this place. We're sorry for leaving you. We truely are. We would've brought you along. But we couldn't find you last night. Again, we are extremely sorry. We promise to come back for you

Sincerely, Edd and Matt

My eyes where wide. I let myself fall sitting on the bed

They left me... And I never got to say goodbye... What happens if I die before they can come back!? I might never see them again! I should've told them...

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