Kapittel 38

816 35 67

Oops. Sorry I woke up around 4:30PM

Updated at 6:50PM


Tom's POV

It's been a good week and a half since Ringo called Tord and we just listened. I, honestly was surprised he had asked about me. But I guess it sorta makes sense because he did kiss me before we went out to war... He probably thought something was going to happen.. But still! He fucking kissed me!

And he wouldn't do that unless he likes me!...holy shit.. How did I not realize that until just now!? Was I to busy worrying about him to not realize the obvious? I was thinking about that kiss none stop! I tried everything to get it out of my mind! I guess I was to caught up in that to actually take time to think about the exact reason

Well, anyway, I was able to slip passed Edd, Matt and Ringo without them knowing I left. I just want to go for a walk in the woods alone for some fresh air. And that's what I'm doing. Getting past the guards were quite easy actually. Either Edd didn't train them well or I'm great at not being noticed

Probably both. I chuckled at that. At the moment I had made my way into the woods. It's around night, pretty close to midnight. And it was beautiful out, the air being just a perfect temperature. Just cool enough so you won't freeze and warm enough to be out without any jackets or anything like that

The cool breeze was calming to me. I liked being outside at night. It was something Tord would join me on if he could. He would usually let me go whenever I wanted, and whenever he isn't busy, he'd join me. We always had long conversations. We talk about one thing and end up talking for hours on end

Not always on the same subject. But we lose the track of time and we just talk and talk. It was something I actually really enjoyed doing with Tord. That was our time to relax. It was always so calm and I actually looked forward to those nights. Of course it wasn't every night that I, or just us, would go out at night to relax

I wonder if Tord liked those times to? Oh who am I kidding? Of course he did! If he loved me then, than he would've looked forward to every night. He never tried to fight with me, all he tried was to get along and try to get closer to me. Which I guess he'd succeeded at that. I chuckled, yea he did

I looked around as I walked. Dragging my hands along the trees I pass by. When I was out in the wild, or in nature itself, I felt free. I feel free to be able to go anywhere. It's pretty similar when I'm with Tord. I have the feeling of being free when I'm with him, or just around him in general

After a while of walking, I stopped when I heard footsteps crunching in the grass. They sounded quite near. In a reflex my hand moved down to my waist where I had my dagger. I have my gun, but I don't want to risk attracting anyone who may be around here

In what seemed to be a blink of an eye, I was pinned to the nearest tree. I was able to pull out the dagger and hold it up to the person's throat. But I felt, what seemed to be a gun, against the top of my neck and in-between the under of my head. That causing my head to tilt upwards slightly

I pushed the dagger against their throat in a warning manner "Y'know, if you shot, someone might hear you" I said

I felt the person tense up once I spoke, but they seemed to relax, strangely enough. They chuckled "I never expected this to happen" Their voice rang, it was oddly familiar

My eyes widen as realization hit me like a brick, I lowered the dagger "Tord?" I ask almost in a whisper

He smiled sheepishly at me removing the gun and putting it away "The one and only, Thomas" Tord said with a light chuckle

I didn't know why, but, I instantly hugged him tightly. Making him stumble slightly from the sudden action. He wrapped his arms around my lower back pulling me into him for a warm hug back. He buried his face into my hair

"I missed you" We both muttered in the same time

We pulled away and stared at eachother for a solid minute before laughing. When we calmed down I was the first to ask as I pushed myself away from the hug, almost walking back into the tree I was just against a few minutes ago

"What are you doing here?" I ask

"Well, I was originally going to see the destruction of the Army base in this country, but I eventually got carried away. And I ended up walking into the woods" Tord said before looking around "For a long time" He chuckled nervously

I chuckled "You get so carried away, very easily" I said looking down to put away the dagger, but Tord stopped me by grabbing my hand

I looked back at him confused but he just took the dagger from my hand. I didn't mind since it's not like he's gonna run away with it. (Tord just books it) He examined it before smiling up at me

"You kept this?" Tord asked

Now I was confused "What? I just found it on my uniform one day" I said

Tord chuckled "The war from a year ago, I slipped this onto you" Tord said holding up the dagger "This was originally mine, but I gave it to you for protection" Tord said before holding it out to me

He held it by the blade, so I just grabbed the handle looking at it "Really?" I said

Tord nodded "It was the only one I had on me at the time, but I still gave it to you" Tord said

I smiled and put it away "Thanks, it comes in handy" I said

He chuckled, it did in fact, just moments ago actually "I can tell" Tord said rubbing his neck where I had pressed the blade

"Sorry" I apologized

Tord glanced at me before smiling warmly "It's alright Thomas" Tord said pulling his hand away

Tho, I was suddenly pushed back against the tree again. This time Tord keeping me from running or trying anything. He leaned close to my face. I felt my face heat up

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