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Two updates in one? Hell yea!

Updated at 3:34PM


Tord's POV

I was woken up by my alarm (I honestly don't know why I haven't thought of it until now) I groaned rolling over and slamming my hand on top of it. Stopping it's obnoxiously loud sound. I let out a sigh, I glanced over next to me when I heard a soft groan. Tom laid next to me

He buried his face into the pillows, I heard a satisfied sigh escape him. Most likely glad the noise stopped. I let out a chuckle and sat up, I then notice Ringo was laying between us two. Her eyes open tiredly, I smiled and pet her

"God morgen Ringo" I said petting her head, I looked over at Tom who hadn't changed position and chuckled. I ruffled his hair "Mornin' Thomas" I said

"Morning.." Tom grumbled, his voice was muffled by the pillow

I chuckled at his adorableness "Welp, Thomas try and wake up, we've got a lot of things ahead of us today" I said moving over to the side of the bed, I looked back at Thomas to see he was looking at my direction

His arms were crossed under the pillow he had his face hidden in, but now he was looking at me, his head still on the pillow

"What is there to do today?" Tom asked

"Well, I have to get something's set up with the doctors for the afternoon. And I need to go see the designers so they can get something done" I said standing up

"Why do you need to go see the doctors?" Tom asked as I pulled on my pants

"I'm not the one who's going to see them exactly. I'm just setting up an appointment for later, for you" I said

"Why? Is it for my eyes?" Tom asked

I looked at him "Yes Thomas" I answered picking up my boots and sitting on the side of the bed once again "I'll let you hang out with your friends for the time being if you wish" I said "If you wish to join me, I don't mind" I said pulling on one boot before I began tying it

"I just want to stay here in this comfy mess of a bed" Tom said snuggling into the pillow

I chuckled "If you wish" I said pulling on my second boot before tying it "Just call me, or one of your friends if you wish to leave" I said, I stood up and went over to my bedside table and opening the drawer

I pulled out a spare radio I have, it's one I keep in my room if I ever forget my other on my uniform or in my office. I could hear whatever people are talking about if they need to talk to me. The line is my line, but Thomas could use it. I shut drawer before turning to Thomas

I went halfway onto the bed, having my knee on it and my other foot on the ground. It was so I could reach over to Thomas. I placed it next to his pillow

"I'll be lending you my spare radio" I said "It'll be right next to the pillow" I said ruffling his hair again "Anyway, I'll leave you be, I've got some work to do" I said pushing myself off the bed

I grabbed my trench coat and pulled it over my shoulders before buttoning it up. I glanced at Thomas one last time and smiled "See ya in a bit Tom" I said before leaving the room

Tom's POV

I heard Tord's footsteps walking away as he shut the bedroom door behind him, his footsteps becoming quieter and quieter until they were silent as I heard the office door close quietly. I sighed and pulled the blankets over me more, cuddling into them

I breathe in the sent of the blankets. They smelt like smoke and Tord's calogne, there's also a faint smell of roses mixed into it. I smelt amazing. I felt somewhat safe curled up in these blankets. Tord's sent was everywhere and I loved it

I felt something jump onto my back. I felt four paws on my back, I didn't feel them when the mysterious intruder laid down. I giggled

"Rinnggoo!" I whine playfully

I felt her crawl up my back and bury her face into my messy hair. I became a giggling mess. It's adorable that she's doing what she did to Tord a while back (Chapter 17) The image of Tord like that popped into my head and I blushed

I buried my face into the pillow I held and let out a groan. What's been going on with me lately!? I heard Ringo start purring which calmed me down. I laid my head looking off to the side so I could breathe properly, as for being careful off the cat on my back. I moved my left arm reaching over and grabbing ahold of the radio

I wasn't gonna use it, but I'd like to know where it is, so I kept it clutched into my hand. I'm probably gonna regret sleeping on my stomach when I wake up... Oh well. I shut my eyes, letting myself fall asleep after a while, once again

Tord's POV

I walked back into my office with the headset in hand. I just came from the designers and got the strap set. Now I just came to get Thomas for his appointment. I walked over to my room walking in but I was quiet just incase Thomas was asleep

When I walked in, Thomas was curled up into the blankets one arm hugging the pillow his head laid on. And the other holding onto the radio I had set next to him. Ringo was laying on his back asleep, her faced stuffed into Tom's fluffy hair. I smiled at the sight

I walked over to the bed. It's disappointing I need to wake up Thomas, he looks just adorable. I crawled into the bed sitting next to him. My feet going off the side of the bed. I gently shook him awake

"Thomas~ Wake up" I said

Tom let out a groan, his hand letting the radio go and move under the pillow. He turned his head the other way mumbling softly "Noo.." he whined softly

I chuckled "C'mon Thomas, you have a doctors appointment" I said

He groaned again "But I'm comfu!" (I obviously know it's 'comfy' but I find that funny- Idk why-) He complained

I laughed "You're adorable~" I cooed "Now get up Thomas, we don't have all day" I said before standing and grabbing Ringo in the same time

I woke her up by doing so, I said a quiet apology holding her in my arms. Tom sat up and yawned "Tord, can we talk for a sec?" Tom asked

I looked at him, which he was looking down, probably to avoid looking at the wrong place. Confused I said "About?" As I sat back down, I placed the headset next to me being sure I don't drop Ringo or anything. If I did that'd be awful

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