Kapittel 19

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Tom's POV

Two more months had passed and my eyesight is just getting worse. I became way more clumsy because of it. I ran into almost everyone and everything so far. Times I'd run into the wall or a door- Don't laugh! It fucking hurts...

All of this has been happening and yet no one knows about my condition. Only the doctors, scientists and Tord- and maybe his parents, I don't know for sure. -Well assuming he didn't tell anyone anyways

My friends didn't know and I had been planning on telling them. I only have til the rest of the year left. I would have to tell them eventually, if I wanted to or not. They're my friends. So anyway I was thinking about telling them today. I had nothing else to do today so why not do so?

And eventually I would run out of reasons to why I keep on running into things. I'm not clumsy. Honestly the one who is, is Matt... Oh.. Now that I think about it, Edd and Matt don't know about my condition... Hence they left, they had not known and I hadn't seen them since then

They just,, disappeared. Tord eventually figured out they left. He had sent some soldiers to look for them, for me.. Because I had asked him. Til this day there are still some who are looking for them.. I honestly wonder if Tord cares that they're gone (Yes. He does. But at the moment he cares about you more since you're all he's got left. Quite literally)

Probably not. It's Tord we're talking about. He only cares for himself.. Selfish prick. Anyways I made my way to the gun range. Lucifer was usually there around the morning, I hope his sister is there to today

I don't feel like going around looking for her. Tho there's a possible chance for her to be outside where the back is. She usually plays out in the grass. Yea she's that lonely, haha. ANYWAY- I arrived to the gun range, hearing the gunshots from those who're practicing

Tho they were quieter than normal because of the soundproof wall. They weren't exactly quiet! Just a little heard. I had successfully made it to the door without much effort. I'm just going to ignore the multiple times I tripped over air and almost ran into a wall or person-

Walking into the range I look around spotting Lucifer in a nick of time. He was at his usual spot, I made my way over. Walking behind everyone else who was there but keeping a good enough distance from them

"Hey Luci" I said casually

He whipped his head in my direction "Fuck you! Stop calling me that!" Lucifer said

I laughed "But it fits you so well!" I fake whined

Lucifer playfully glared at me "No" He said

I smirked "Imma still call you that" I said

"Fuck you" Lucifer said "Anyway what're you doin' here?" Lucifer asked returning to his practice

"I want to talk to you guys. I've got some.. News..." I said

Lucifer glanced at me "I see.. I'm assuming this 'news' is important, right?" Lucifer asked

"I guess you can say so,, yes. Why you ask?" I ask

"Well you don't usually come see me in the morning while practice. And when you do it isn't to come get me for news, it's for practice" Lucifer explained

I chuckled "I honestly didn't know you kept track of what I did when I came" I said

"It's good to know why you come here" Lucifer shrugged putting his gun away before turning to me "Alright, let's go" Lucifer said

"Uh-huh, could you help me with getting the others? Christian should be at the West side of the base doing his morning patrol, he'll be off in at least 10 to 5 minutes, Cecilia may be around there as well. I'll go get your sister, notify me if you need me to find Cecilia. We'll meet up at my room, ok?" I said

"Yep, understood" Lucifer said

I smiled "Great! Let's get to it then!" I said before we made our way out

Exiting the gun range, we went our separate ways, but not before saying a short 'Goodbye'. I made my way to the back exits as Luci(Lucifer) is on his way to the West side of the base. On my way I had ran into a few soldiers because nor I or them were paying attention

Tho I did run into a scientist. She was aware of my condition and offered helped me to my destination. I would've declined but having someone to talk to would be nice. She knows of it because she is also a doctor. She's really good at her job

"So where ya headed?" Syvia asked

"Outside, at the back of the base. I'm going to get Satan" I said

"Oh? Why? Did Lucifer want you to or something?" Syvia asked

"No, I want to tell them about, well, y'know..." I said

"Wait. Are you telling me. That your friends don't know about what's going on with you?" Syvia asked

"Well they shouldn't know, I haven't told them, yet. And the only ones who know so far- that I'm aware of -is the doctors, scientists- I don't know why tho -I think Pat, Paul do, and Red knows" I said "No one else should know unless he told others" I said

Syvia hummed "Alright, and so that's what you're planning on doing? Telling them I mean" Syvia said

"Yea, they deserve to know, and since y'know how long I've got, I'd like to tell them so they can be ready for that.." I said

Syvia nodded as she came to a halt "Well we're here" Syvia said "Great talk Tom! See ya 'round?" Syvia said

I smiled "See ya Syv" I said waving as she walked away. When she was out of sight I went outside, I walked out and went to where she usually is. Approaching, I heard familiar giggling, I smiled "Oh Satan~!" I called out

"What? Who's there!?" Satan said frightened "Oh Tom! It's just you! You scared me" Satan laughed

"Yea, I've noticed" I said with a laugh

"Yea.. Anyways! Watcha need?" Satan asked

"Ah, I just came to get you, I want to talk to you guys about something.. I've got some news to tell you all..." I said

"Oh?" Satan said confused "So it's important I'm guessing?" Satan asked

"Why does everyone say that!?" I said

Satan giggled "Maybe because it's not you to do this?" Satan answered

I laughed "Well, yea I guess that makes sense.. And to answer your first question. You can say so it is, yes" I said "We better get going! The others are waiting!" I said

-Time skip-

When my room was in sight I saw the other three standing there awaiting my arrival. I grabbed Satan's wrist before dragging her to my room quickly

"Hey! I see y'all made it" I laughed as I let go of Satan which she didn't have enough time to stop and walked into the wall causing us all to burst into laughter

"Ow! Tom! Why'd you do that!?" Satan complained rubbing her head

"And here I thought I was the one who ran into everything so far... You need to pay attention!" I laughed

"Yes thank you for the reminder" Satan said

I laughed before entering my room. The others following behind me. I walked over and sat on my bed. This time Christian and Cecilia sat with me on the bed, and the other two took the couch

"So,, what's up?" Christian asked

"As you see I've gotten you all today because I've got some news for you all" I said "I know this is unusual of me to do, but I wanted to get this out..." I said fumbling with my sleeves nervously

After a few seconds of silence Cecilia spoke "What is it?" She asked

"Oh, sorry.." I quickly said before sighing "I... I h-ave cancer.." I said looking down biting my lip

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