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Tord's POV

Tom's face turned red slightly as I examined his eyes (Bitch- You THOUGHT-) Of course he was still clueless of what I was doing or he caught on but didn't say anything. I was looking at his eyes and around them. Around his eyes the skin is becoming red

"How well can you see?" I ask tilting his head back slightly

"Er I can see good enough, but things from a distance are beginning to become blurry" Tom answered

I hummed bringing his head down so he can look at me "Has anything been hurting?" I ask

"No, not that I know of" Tom said

I hummed bringing him closer to me slightly "Well, does this hurt?" I ask running my thumb around his eyes

Tom flinched his eyes shutting "Yes" He whimpered out

"Ah, sorry" I said letting him go

"It's fine.." Tom said

"It seems as the cancer is affecting around your eyes as well. Because it's become red" I said

"Oh..." Tom said

"How far can you see?" I ask

"Well I was just at the training room and I could still see the targets but they're a bit blurry" Tom said. I nodded before standing straight and walked over to my desk and sitting back into my seat "Hey I've been wondering, why did you make the Army?" Tom asked randomly

"Oh? Well do you remember when we went joined the Army?" I asked petting Ringo

"How can I forget? They cut off Steve!" Tom exclaimed

I laughed "I remember that, you looked weird honestly" I said "I like your hair" I said, I blushed after realizing I said that "Nevermind that!" I quickly said, Ringo stood up and walked closer to me "When we were in the Army I liked it, I guess I really wanted to be the one to be in charge" I said

"That's why I left those years ago" I said "I sorta lied about going to the 'Big City' I had just went back to home, to Norway" I said "I created the Army not to long after when I had enough to start it" I said "It was honestly surprising how many people wanted to be apart of the Red Army" I laughed picking up the grey cat

"Honestly I'm surprised how many people work for YOU point" Tom said

I laughed "You never changed huh?" I said placing Ringo on my lap as I leaned back into my chair

"Excuse me. But what's that supposed to mean!?" Tom said

I laughed "It means you're still the same old Thomas I know and love" I smirked

Tom blushed slightly at my words "I fucking hate you" Tom said

"I know" I chuckled

Oh, I know..

"So, any reasons why you're here?" I ask

But I don't haha..

"I came to check on you to see if you woke up" Tom said

How stupid of me...

"Ah, ok" I said bringing my gaze to the grey kitten who I had placed onto my lap "Speaking of which, did you bring me to my room?" I ask

In the end, I'm just going to get hurt..

Tom's POV

"Ah, um, yes. Kinda" I said

And you were just so fucking adorable- *coUGH* EXCuse me.. What


(Just because I wanna make a lil fluff-)

Christian picked up Tord from his chair without much effort. Carrying the male in his arms bridal style to make things easier

"Follow me" I said before walking over to Tord's room, Christian did as I asked and followed me

I walked into the room after letting Christian in. Christain walked over to Tord's bed laying Tord in it carefully to not wake up the horned male

He turned to me when he did "You guys can head out, I'm gonna stay here for a bit" I said

"Alright, see ya Tom" Christian replied with a smile, I said goodbye and he left with the others

I looked back at Tord- who was still asleep somehow -when I heard the office door shut. Breathing a sigh I walked over to him

Now, how am I going to do this-

I thought about it, then proceeded to sit up the devil horned male.  I unbuttoned his trench coat before slipping it off him. Once I had completely taken it off I carefully laid him down again. I didn't want to wake up the Norski

Funny that he is a light sleeper but for some reason he hasn't woken up. He would've usually woken up as soon as Christian picked him up. But I guess all these sleepless nights are getting to him- I stood up and placed Tord's coat on his dresser

I put my attention back on him once I did. I pushed him in the bed a bit pulling the blanket from underneath him. Once done I pulled the blanket over him. Tord snuggled into the newly found warmth, which were from the blankets

I felt my face heat up seeing how fucking adorable this Norski was being. My eyes wondered over his sleeping figure, landing on his face, looking in between him and his hair. And the urge to run my hand through his hair is back- Great

But just maybe for a bit.. It won't hurt anyone.. (Local News: A man killed another man while he was asleep by running his hand through the other male's hair... I'm SoRrY fOr My WeIrDnEsS-)

I sat on the edge of the bed close to the sleeping devil. I reached over and slowly put my hand on his head. Pulling it away when Tord moved slightly- this shit's fucking risky -all he did was snuggle the blankets more. I reached over a second time being able to put my hand on him without him moving or anything

I ran my fingers in his caramel coloured hair, tugging softly at the locks my fingers caught on. His hair was still as soft as last time. It's unreal how soft it is! Like what does he do to make it like that!? I continue to run my hand through his hair mesmerized by it's softness

Tord's a fucking magician. That's it. He's a fucking magician. There's no denying it

I finally regained myself and retracted my hand to myself. I stared at him for a few more seconds before getting up. I walked over to the door opening it, I looked back at the sleeping Norski, he looked so peaceful. I smiled slightly before leaving quietly closing the door behind me

He brought back his gaze up at me a brow raised "So you're telling me, that you had someone carry me to my room? I am correct right?" Tord smirked at his oh so 'brilliant' words

I furrowed my eyebrows, my eyes starring at him with a glare "Are you insulting me?" I hissed out with slight annoyance

"Well if I'm pointing out the truth, technically it isn't really counted as insulting you" Tord sheepishly said his smirk never disappearing from his face

"Hey I've got good news! I fucking hate you!" I hissed crossing my arms and sitting back into the chair (Salty BOI-)

Tord's smirk changed into a small smile, it seemed rather forced "I know you do Thomas.. You say it all the time.." Tord said bringing his gaze down to his lap which Ringo rested on

My Fair Thomas... | TordTom [] WTFuture []Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum