Kapittel 13

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Aaaa- I'm late to update again-


Tom's POV

My attention was yet again brought back to the door hearing it open. There Tord was, of course he had Ringo. Strangely on his shoulder

"Ah, sorry to interrupt, again... But Thomas could you come here for a sec" Tord said

I groaned and pushed myself off the bed walking over to the Norski "First off, I'd like to know why is Ringo on your shoulder" I said

"She climbed up herself" Tord said cupping my face

"What are you doing" I growled

"Looking at your eyes dipshit. Now shut up" Tord said. I let out a huff but didn't pull away, Tord sighed and let me go "It looks like it's getting worse" Tord said

"No shit Sherlock" I huffed out crossing my arms "My sight is becoming shit" I stated

"Right... I'm gonna have to talk to the doctor about when they assume you'll lose the ability to see" Tord said "I'll let you know when I do" Tord said "Again, sorry for interrupting. Goodbye Thomas" He said ruffling my hair before walking away

"Stop calling me that!" I said before closing the door

"Well, what an eventful experience" Lucifer said with a chuckled

"He's annoying" I said walking back to the bed

"Red's not that bad" Cecilia said

"Oh you haven't known him for as long as I have" I said "All he is, is a gun addict Communist" I said "I'm surprised I survived with him around" I said

"Mhm.." Satan hummed "As he said earlier, what did he mean by, 'We're even now'?" Satan asked

"Has any of you wondered- or known -why he looks like he does now?" I ask sitting on my bed once again

"Like, where'd he get his scars from?" Christian asked

"Yes" I said

"Yes, technically every soldier are wondering" Lucifer said "Just one day he left, and the next thing you know, he comes back full of injuries" Lucifer pointed out

"Well that's what happens when he tries to do shit" I grumbled

"What exactly are you trying to say?" Cecilia asked

I sighed "Well, I'm the reason he looks like that" I said "He tried to kill, Edd, Matt and I. Very close to getting me- he shot a rocket at me -but didn't kill me as you see. I had used a harpoon gun and fired at his stupid giant robot" I explained "I figured the robot arm he has now, is from the robot" I said

Tord's POV

I went down by the infirmary and asked to do a test for the info about when Tom should lose his sight. I was hopping I can finish the headset before. But there's a chance I won't be able to finish in time either

This requires all lot of work y'know. Especially since I'm making this from scratch. Now that I thing about that, I'm going to have to get Tom's head size. And I want to keep this all a surprise til I actually finish it. So hopefully when I ask he won't question it

I had brought Ringo back to my room earlier, I don't really care if she gets out to come find me. But I don't feel like going looking for her again. I am a leader, so I've got work to do- as annoying as it can get -I made my way over to the training field, I was informed that there was a conflict

So I decided to handle it myself. I walked out into the field through the door- of course -when I stopped walking a knife flew and hit the wall next to me. I stared at it for a second before taking it from the wall

Alright then

I look back at the group of soldiers who are practicing. No one seeming to notice what just had happened, nor did anyone notice my presence

"Attention!" I yelled making everyone go quiet and look over at me "May someone inform me what is going on" I said walking forward a bit "You, Daren tell me, what's going on" I said

"Um well sir, earlier two soldiers were fighting" Daren said

"Mhm" I hummed "Ah, and who does this belong to?" I ask raising the knife

"It's mine sir" One of the males who were practicing, Sharon said

"I see, well watch where you throw this" I said extending my arm out to him "You almost hit me" I chuckled

Sharon took the knife back "Sorry sir" Sharon apologized

"Eh, it's all good" I said

Tom's POV

"I've always wondered, what is Red Leader's real name?" Satan asked "Of course if we did know, we wouldn't be able to call him that. He'd probably get pissed" She added

"Maybe to you guys, but he can really care less when I do. I still call him a Commie" I said "That's what he is after all" I said "And about his name, do you guys wanna know what it is?" I ask

"That'd be interesting" Christian said

"I've always wondered what his name was" Cecilia

"Probably something Norwegian" Lucifer stated

"I dunno if Tord is a Norwegian name, but he definitely is Norwegian" I shrugged "Never really took the time to actually give a shit" I smirked at that

"Tord? Is that Red's name?" Satan asked

"Yep" I said popping the 'p' "Tord, fucking stupid name" I grumbled

Lucifer chuckled "I see you really hate this guy hm?" Lucifer said

"Hated him for a long time" I said "That's what enemies do right" I said

Tord's POV

I arrived back to my office, deciding on going back to the headset for a bit, before heading to the infirmary. I hope Tom will appreciate it, I've been working my ass off for him- not that I mind really -but he's special. It's not like I would do this for anyone else

I just can't have Thomas die. He means to much to me. Actually, now that I think about it, I need to find a way to cure his cancer. I've been working on a way for him to see, but not how to cure him

I can get some scientists to fix up a cure- so he will not die -and I could try and see if I could do something with the goggles. Like have 'em so he doesn't get cancer again. I don't know what I'm saying anymore, ok! I'm just so stressed about this...

I let out a sigh running my hands through my hair- in a stressful way -it's a habit of mine. I glanced around my office, there wasn't anyone here- moving the least anyway -so that meant Ringo must be in my room. Either asleep or just playing, I don't know, cat things

My Fair Thomas... | TordTom [] WTFuture []Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant