Kapittel 10

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Hey, I'm sorry for not posting a chapter yesterday. I had went swimming and I didn't remember. So to make up for it, I'll be posting two chapters! So 10 and 11 will be posted :D

Sorry for updating late. My Wattpad is being a bitch and decides to not work-


Tom's POV

I woke up with a low groan. My eyes fluttering open, I felt a small weight next to me. I looked over to see Ringo curled up in a ball, purring slightly. Although I realized that these weren't the blankets I have in my room...

I instantly sat up, being careful of Ringo, before looking around the room. I recognize it. I'm in Tord's office. I must've fell asleep when I was here then... I assume this is his bedroom. I quietly pulled the covers off of me before getting out of bed

I stretched my limbs, getting a satisfying pop from my back. I yawned and walked over to the door opening it, again, quietly. I stepped out not before looking around to see if anyone is there of course

I didn't see anyone moving so I went on, going to Tord's desk. To my surprise, he had fallen asleep on his desk. His head on top of his arms, he still wore his um... Blue trench coat. I doubt that he would wear that to sleep, I don't think it would be very comfortable

Wait, did he overwork himself again..? Wait why do I care? He's a fucking Communist! He ruined our life! But I kinda feel bad for him... No! Stop it! Stop feeling bad! But he... He let me sleep in his bed, and he slept out here... I- He... Ugh. I fucking hate feelings!

I let out a soft sigh, walking to Tord. I decided to pick up whatever he was working on, better than being broken right? Anyway, I put it in the drawer I saw him put it last time. I looked back at him when I closed the drawer

He looked so peaceful when he slept. It's strange knowing that this man is the Leader of the most wanted Army in the world. The man who's concurred most of the world actually. Yet, he can look so peaceful when he's sleeping...

Hence he was asleep I was able to examine him. Y'know because staring at your enemy is weird, both awake or not. But it's more awkward when their awake okay! Anyway, he's wearing his blue trench coat, yea I still don't understand the reason of it- He wears his classic red hoodie under it

He's fast asleep at the moment, but his hair is still up in it's usual style. Tho his hair looked messy, as for it definitely wasn't made properly. It does look kinda cute tho... Wait what- Um, well I remember his eyes, one of them was grey as for the other was still the classic red color I remembered

His hair looks so soft... I just... I want to touch it... What? Just,, one little pet... It wouldn't hurt right? Just quickly... One little touch... I slowly reached over to the sleeping Norski, my hand hovering over his head... I gently lowered my hand onto his head

Running my hand gently through his hair, mesmerized by its feeling. It felt soft, very very soft. Tord's soft snoring was so adorable too... I blushed and pulled my hand away, I looked away from him. Letting out a soft sigh

I walked over to the chair sitting down. I looked over at Tord seeing him still asleep. I shifted my gaze to the floor to see Ringo sitting there staring at me, I chuckled quietly and sat up patting my lap. She got the memo and jumped onto my lap

I scratched her behind her ear "Why haven't you went back to Edd hm?" I whispered, I picked her up before standing. I walked over to the door and opened it setting Ringo onto the ground "Now run along, Edd's gonna panic after a while when he realizes you're not there" I whispered

And with that, she ran off. I shut the door quietly before walking back to the chair for I can take a seat. I was bored. I didn't have my phone so that's one thing off the list. I didn't feel like waking up Tord, and honestly I would try and move him to his bed, but he might be heavy. So I'm not risking it

It's to early to be dealing with an angry Commie. Nor am I in the mood for that. So I'm good. I was bored tho. So I just decided to examine the room with what I can see. Yea my vision is getting worse, that's just great right? Anyway, Tord's office was red, literally everything was red

The walls and most of the furniture to. Geez I never knew he liked red THAT much. The only other colours are black, grey, and the colour brown spotted from the wooden boards or some furniture. Like his desk. Tho there were actually a few things different colours

Blue, purple and green. But there was more blue. Like I noticed Tord had blue pillows along with a red comforter, a soft purple colour for the bed cover. He had a soft and fluffy blue blanket under the big red one. Tord's bed is comfy is what I'm pointing out right now

But he also has a nice room/office. It's cozy. I would probably be able to stay here for a while if I were on my own. The room was dark, I wasn't sure if it was because of my vision or if it's because there's not much lighting in the room

I had been sitting there waiting for Tord to awake. I was being generous and let him sleep longer. But it's been at least around an hour now. He has yet woken up, and I was starting to get impatient here. So I decided it was time for him to get his ass up

I pushed myself up off the chair I had been seated on and walked over to Tord's side. I stared at the sleeping Norski for a minute or so, I had no clue how he can look so peaceful when he's asleep. But he pulls it off. I looked at his hair again

I suddenly had the urge to run my hand through it again. It was so soft... Almost as if you were petting a fluffy cat... The urge of wanting to pet him again was strong. But I was able to hold back, with difficulty. I reached over and poked his cheek

To which had not gotten a response. So I poked him once again at the same spot "Commie..." I whined softly. The Norksi still didn't respond. So I poked him again, but more harder this time "Wake..." I whined. God, I was sounding like such a child. I nudged his head with my hand "Wake up.." I groaned

Tord stirred and turned his head in the opposite direction mumbling "Fem mer minutter..." As he did so, to which I had absolutely no clue what he had said

I nudged him again "Commie wake up" I said

I honestly could just smack him upside the head, and he would have a fun morning. But I'm also not in the mood to deal with a bitchy Communist this morning still. I just didn't want to leave him for some reason...

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