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Updated at 3:05PM


Tord's POV

"Yea.. And I'm going to get used to you pinning me to places?" Tom asked

"Maybe.." I said, I could feel a blush appear onto my face at the thoughts that appeared into my mind, I looked away from the short Brit

Tom stared at me confused for a moment before blushing furiously "Oh my god! You fucking pervert!" Tom said prying his arms from my grasp and covering his face with them

I chuckled looking back at him "What? You said it!" I said

"You're the one who thinks dirty, you fucking dirty Communist" (Should Tord feel insulted here?) Tom said

"I may be a pervert, but if it's involving you I won't mind~" I cooed half seductively (As a joke- Calm yo tits please-)

Tom's eyes widen and he blushed crimson red "You're disgusting!!" Tom exclaimed pushing me away and escaping from my grasp

"What? You can't blame me for my dirty mind" I said

Tom's POV

"Actually, yes I can" I said "You literally read hentai like every fucking day. And it's honestly just disturbing" (Tord: I'm honestly hurt) I said turning away having my back face him

"Not anymore" (Shocking) Tord replied from behind me

"Surprising" I said crossing my arms

Tord smirked "I've got my reasons" He cooed into my ear sending shivers down my spine

A chilly feeling went through my body making my hair stand on ends as Tord placed a few soft kisses on my neck. I blushed at his actions

"Tord.." I said softly pushing him a bit ".. Stop.." I said, he obeyed

"Did I do something wrong?" He asked

"N-no.." I stuttered slipping out of his grasp, which he let me "It's j-just.. I dunno..." I said trailing off "I-I'm sorry.." I stuttered looking at the ground

Tord sighed "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I got carried away. Sorry.." Tord said

Ringo's POV

I sat on Tom's bed on my knees. My tail swishing calmly behind me. I awoke earlier but Tom and Tord weren't in the room, I didn't want to get lost in the base so I stayed in the room awaiting for them to return. It's not like I have anything else to do anyway

I really liked Tom's bed, but I have to admit, I like Tord's better. He has fluffy and soft blankets, and that's just amazing. I looked around the bed and spotted a small brown bear were Tord was sleeping earlier. I turned around and picked it up carefully

It's a small brown stuffed bear. A small toof atop it's head a black bow tie around its neck. And it's eyes, it doesn't have any but a black line. My ears perked up when I realized what it was

Tomee Bear!

I know Tom didn't have him so he must've fell from Tord's hoodie! I have him a hug before placing him back onto the bed and turning into a cat. I crawled next to him pulling him close as I snuggled the bear. Don't judge me (I dO wHaT i WaNt- I'm dead inside--)

I curled up around him pulling my tail close around us. Tomee Bear is apart of the family and you can't say otherwise (Tom would definitely agree with you there) It's actually sad to how not many people put Tomee Bear and I in their books. We get left out and it makes me sad.. At least we were acknowledged in this one

I being apart of it quite a lot! I like that! Edwardo, Mark and Jon tho, haven't seen those guys in a while. Ever since Jon came back as a ghost, we never heard of the guys after that. I didn't get to know so much over the six years of being with Tord and watching after him

(Fourth wall breaking happens a lot in my books- So just have the super glue or whatever it is you use on standby somewhere near) Tord has grown happier once he had been able to see Tom, it was clear he was happy to see him. I know he has a crush on the Brit but he's scared to ask him out. I honestly think Tom would say yes

From what I've seen and observed, he seems to take a liking to him. And he seems to get nervous when he doesn't know what's going on with him or where he is. I know Tom cares for Tord and so does Tord, he cares for Tom more than anything in this horrible reality. He told me himself

Matt's POV

"I screwed up didn't I?" My husband asks

"It's not that bad Edd, it was just a small fight" I said placing my hand on his shoulder

"I know.. But I feel bad" Edd sighed

I sighed "I talked to Tom earlier today, I apologized for you but he said you should apologize to Tord" I said "Tord's been through a lot from what I know" I sighed bringing my hand down to his lap

He place his hand atop of mine "Do you think he would even want to see me after that?" Edd asked

Edd was always like this. He felt so guilty to fight with his friends. He always felt so bad about it. Even small meaningless fights. This one wasn't very meaningless but he still felt the same like any other. Edd sighed running his hand through his hair leaning onto my shoulder

"Tom's right about Tord y'know" I said causing Edd to look at me confused

"By that you mean?" Edd asked

"Tord's different" I said "I've noticed" I said "Remember, we were very close friends back then, and I was able to read him like a book. Still can" I said "He isn't the same as he used to be" I sighed "Tord's really good at hiding or masking his emotions" I said wrapping my arm around my husband laying my head onto his

"I love you Matt" Edd said making me smile

"I love you too Edd" I said happily

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