Chapter 2

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WARNING: Major V3 spoilers ahead

You smiled as you ate a cheeseburger while Shuichi had a bowl of pasta. The food court was huge and had many fast food-type restaurants so you figured whatever you were craving would probably be available somewhere.

"Hey Shuichi, random question. What's your favorite breakfast food?" You asked.

"...Maybe eggs and bacon, but I don't usually eat breakfast," Shuichi slightly mumbled the last part like he was embarrassed by it.

"Eh? Why don't you eat breakfast?" You whined.

"That's... um..." Shuichi glanced around nervously, "...It sounds kind of stupid."

"Tell me! I bet it's not stupid!" You pried.

"...I had a friend that really encouraged me to eat breakfast and be healthy, physically... but... I can't talk to them anymore so I sort of fell out of my habits," Shuichi explained nervously.

"You should start up again! College is a chance for a new you," You offered.

"I-I guess..." Shuichi trailed off, and you could see sorrow and pain in his eyes. What was wrong?

"You seem sad. Is something wrong?" You worriedly asked.

"It's n-nothing," Shuichi shook his head, "Sorry."

You weren't exactly convinced but you figured he didn't want you to pry so you respected his boundaries, "It's okay!"

You needed a quick way to change the subject...! "Oh yeah... Shuichi, they said classes don't start for a week, right?"

"Yeah, to help us get into the 'college atmosphere' without overwhelming us," Shuichi confirmed your information.

"That's thoughtful at least," You smiled.

"I'm pretty sure lots of people will take advantage of it if they can, but yes, it's thoughtful," Shuichi half agreed.

You giggled and the conversation sort of died after that. You finished your food first and decided to explore the campus a little more, leaving Shuichi by his lonesome. You casually strolled around the large campus, looking at your large schedule and also finding where all of your classes were. You'd done that during orientation but that felt like so long ago since you'd pretty much forgotten everything, so you relocated all your classes.

Every day you had different classes so there were quite a few to find, but you eventually found them and in your phone wrote directions to help you get back to each one of your classes from anywhere in the campus. You hoped it'd really pay off later!

"Man... Is it already getting dark?" You wondered aloud, checking the time on your phone, "Holy crap! It's already 7:30 PM?! I was walking for hours then... I'd better be fit after this! ...But I gotta get back to my dorm, hopefully Shuichi isn't worried or anything."

You returned to your dorm to find that Shuichi was reading a book, but he looked up once you walked in.

"Welcome," Shuichi greeted.

"Whatcha reading?" You asked, closing the door behind you.

"A myster novel. It's not a murder mystery though," Shuichi showed off the cover to the book which read 'Tokyo Heist.'

"Is it about some robber in Tokyo?" You chuckled.

"Not exactly. It's about a painting that's been missing and the Yakuza Clan wants this painting so they've been searching for it for a while... I don't really wanna spoil any more so I guess you can read it if you're interested..." Shuichi explained.

Valentine's Day {Yandere!Shuichi x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now