Chapter 20

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"What was the song thing about?" You asked.

"Ah, w-well... did I ever tell you Kaede was the Ultimate Pianist?" Shuichi began.

"No... did she play you a song you really like or something?" You guessed.

"No, she... died before she got to play... but, I remember she mentioned a song to me when the atmosphere was really tense. She said she wanted to play a song to cheer me up... and mentioned Clair de Lune. She said it was a calming melody like the moon's reflection on water. After her death I listened to a recording I found in her Ultimate Research Lab... and ever since then that's pretty much been my go-to song whenever I need comfort," Shuichi admitted.

"Woah... that's one hell of a backstory behind that song. You sure you won't like, ruin it for you if you had me listen to it?" You'd feel bad if you intruded on Shuichi's memories of his friends that he'd lost so painfully.

"No, not at all... I'd actually really like it if I could share it with you," Shuichi sheepishly smiled.

"Okay, if you're okay with it then I'm okay with listening," You shrugged. Shuichi took out his phone and scrolled a little bit before selecting something, and a soft melody soon filled the room.

The notes were delicate and carefully played, and you thought about what Shuichi had said about Kaede saying it was like the moon's reflection on water. You found the imagery so easy to make and you imagined yourself gently sailing along a lake at night in a small boat, watching the tiny waves of the water slightly distort the moon's reflection calmly.

Once the piece was over you felt a lot calmer and relaxed, which greatly surprised you that music could do that much to your emotions. Shuichi looked like he was experiencing more emotions than you could name, and you were about to ask if he was alright before tears started spilling from his eyes. He noticed you were watching and he sniffled.

"I-I'm sorry for crying... I'm fine..." Shuichi assured, but you didn't believe him.

"Did you bring up bad memories?" You asked. Shuichi hesitated before nodding.

"I... I thought of her execution..." Shuichi shuddered.

"What about her execution...?" You were scared to know the details.

"When someone committed a m-murder... the executions were brutal... and usually based on your t-talent... I remember that she accepted her execution, and th-then the execution collar went around her neck... she reached out to me and I reached for her... b-but it was pointless, she was dragged off to the execution grounds... she was hung by her neck on top of a giant piano, a-and she was violently jerked up and down, left and right by her neck to make her feet play a terrible song... she was choking but she kept being forced to play... a-and then the fallboard came down, b-but there were spikes on it, and she was c-crushed to death under the fallboard..." Shuichi started to cry more.

You weren't sure what to do so you awkwardly gave Shuichi a hug, "That's... really brutal..."

Shuichi almost seemed to melt into your touch this time, and he hesitantly hugged you back. He didn't say anything as he continued to sniffle and cry, though he calmed down a few minutes later. You tried to pull away but found the task rather difficult.

"Eh?" You tried again but found that Shuichi was kind of limp. Worried he had a freak heart attack or something crazy, you immediately checked to see if he was breathing and his heart beating. He was breathing a little deeply and his heart rate was a little slow, which really worried you until you realized he was just asleep.

"I'm stupid..." You whispered to yourself, carefully wriggling away from the sleeping Shuichi and laying him in his bed. In that moment for some reason you thought he looked kind of cute, and you blinked in surprise at your thought.

Valentine's Day {Yandere!Shuichi x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now