Chapter 24

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"I gotta head to class now, I'll see you later Shuichi!" You smiled. Instead of smiling back and sending you on your way Shuichi gently grabbed your wrist.

"Please don't go..." Shuichi whispered.

"Eh? Is something wrong?" You asked.

"I-I just... don't want you to leave me..." Shuichi quietly admitted.

"What do you mean? I'm just going to class," You tilted your head.

"Don't leave..." Shuichi was almost growling as his grip tightened on your wrist. You'd never seen the shy boy act like this so you were really scared and complied, wondering if he was just too scared to admit something was wrong.

You walked back to him and slowly pet his hair, "What's wrong? You've never acted like this..."

Shuichi suddenly pulled you into his lap and hugged you tightly, nuzzling you, "Mmn... mine..."

You blushed at the sudden action, "E-eh?! Th-this is really unlike you!!"

"(Y/N)~ Your name's like music to my ears..." Shuichi whispered as he pulled you closer.

"S-seriously! Just tell me what's wrong!" You slightly panicked, not knowing if Shuichi was having a mental breakdown or something.

"What's wrong...? The world wants to take you away from me... they want you to leave me behind without you...!! They want to tear us apart!" Shuichi's grip around you tightened with each statement to the point you almost couldn't breathe.

"Shuichi! Calm down! What are you talking about?!" You gasped, starting to struggle a little in an attempt to get air but that only made Shuichi cling even tighter.

"Are you... trying to run from me?" Shuichi growled, and at this point you were so panicked and desparate for air that you couldn't find the words to communicate to him, you could only keep struggling desparately. He clung tighter.

"You can't leave me... y-you can't leave me to rot alone with these terrible thoughts!!" Shuichi cried. Your face felt numb and your lungs felt like they would burst or suddenly combust into flames. Your head felt like it was too heavy for you and these painful feelings grew until everything just went numb, and the world was quiet.


You awoke with a gasp and violent coughs, the first thing you noticed being Shuichi who looked terrified. The second thing you noticed was the pain in your chest that felt like somebody had pressed really hard on it.

"(Y-Y/N)...!!! Thank god you're alive... I-I thought I..." Shuichi cringed instead of finishing the thought.

You tried to recollect your memories. You remembered Shuichi squeezing the life out of you but that was about it... did you pass out?

"Did I pass out...?" You weakly asked, your voice hoarse.

"Y-y... your h-heart... s-stopped beating for a s-second... I-I panicked but I m-managed to save you..." Shuichi gently took your hand like he feared you being hurt again. Had Shuichi really squeezed tight enough to kill you?

"Shuichi... please tell me why you're acting like this... it's scaring me..." You whimpered, weakly looking up at the detective.

He paused for several seconds.

"...I... I d-don't know... I'm sorry..." Shuichi hung his head low, refusing to meet your eyes.

"Maybe you should bring this up to your therapist..." You suggested, but Shuichi shook his head.

"I tried to once but she just told me I was probably having a PTSD 'relapse' because I'd shared a lot of details with you... somehow I know that's just not it but she won't listen to me if I try to tell her I think it's something else..." Shuichi hugged himself, looking miserable.

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