Chapter 7

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"Let's see... dang it! First I have GenEd math!" You grumbled. Math was definitely a subject you were not looking forward to.

"Well... I guess I'd better get this stupid class over with," You sighed, walking inside the math hall. It had a tiny lobby with just a few tables and chairs, and off to the side there was a room that said: 'Math homework help- 5$ per half hour. Set up an appointment with the hall's secretary.'

You chuckled at how they needed a program just for helping in math, but you figured it was probably successful so you didn't say anything. You instead looked around for your classroom that was luckily on the first floor. To your surprise it was just the second door down! When you walked inside the classroom was mostly empty except for the teacher and a girl wearing a red dress and had long pigtails. You decided to sit next to her, hoping she'd be friendly.

"Hey, what's your name?" You asked.

"...Maki Harukawa. Ultimate Child Caregiver," the girl coldly introduced herself in an almost hostile way.

"Wait a minute... Maki? Do you know someone named Shuichi?" You bit your lip, hoping you weren't making a fool of yourself.

"Yes, I do... why?" Maki glared at you. She definitely didn't give off the vibe of somebody who was good at caring for kids...

"Have you seen him lately? 'Cuz if you didn't know he's here in the college," You informed her, hoping that'd interest her.

"...I see," Maki sighed, showing little to no reaction at your information. Was she even really that close with Shuichi...? She seemed so distant and hard to get along with... and Shuichi seemed too shy to try and interact with her. Something didn't add up. Maki then surprised you with a question, "Where can I find him?"

"Well... I don't wanna tell you his dorm or something cuz even if you know him I don't know you, so... I'll tell you this! I dunno where he goes, you might cuz he said you did it too a while ago but he exercises at night," You offered. Maki didn't say anything in response, which left you hoping that something good would happen.


"Ah... time for homeroom," You thought as you made your way to the science hall. The rain from the previous day had caused the campus to still be damp, especially in the grass. It had mostly evaporated now that it was about noon but it hadn't completely gone away yet, leaving an interesting smell in the air.

You stepped into the science hall and continued your journey to your homeroom, eventually making it there. Shuichi and Simon were already at the table, and they seemed to be having a friendly discussion.

"...I think that law should be changed but it's not what I think," Shuichi sighed.

"It's okay! The laws were made the way they were for a certain reason, and I find it easier to understand why they were made the way they were instead of trying to argue against them. But maybe that's just me being the Ultimate Lawyer..." Simon awkwardly smiled.

"Hey guys," You casually greeted as you took your seat.

"Hey (Y/N)," Shuichi smiled a little.

"Hello (Y/N)! How are you?" Simon asked.

"I'm good, what about you?" You returned the question.

"I'm doing great, thank you for asking!" Simon gave a friendly smile.

"What about you, Shuichi? How are you doing?" You roped the shy boy into the conversation.

"I'm fine..." Shuichi seemed to be thinking.

"What are you thinking about?" You inquired, hoping he'd give you an answer.

"...The past," was all Shuichi had to say for you to sort of understand. You hoped he was remembering something that maybe kept him going during all that death, but you didn't know what could possibly motivate someone to keep going through all that torture. Was it just natural human instinct to want to get through it? Did that Kaito person help out a lot more than just helping Shuichi stay fit? You weren't sure...

Valentine's Day {Yandere!Shuichi x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now