Chapter 8

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"Woah!" Henry gasped.

"Wh-what the hell?!" Charles exclaimed.

"Are you alright?!" Shuichi panicked, immediately standing up and being fully alert.

"What just happened...?!" You demanded in a shocked voice. Henry had seemed perfectly fine the entire class, why did he suddenly just throw up?!

"Ah... m-my apologies for making you all worry... please sit down, I-I'll clean it up... it's okay..." Simon took a few steps towards some cleaning supplies that lay at the corner of the room before he suddenly collapsed to the ground, fainting.

"Eh?!" You froze.

Charles rushed over and caught Simon, Henry rushing over as well. They checked his vitals before Henry carefully poured something into Simon's mouth. A few seconds later Simon woke up.

"Ah... I-I'm fine, don't look so worried..." Simon tried to stand up but both Henry and Charles pushed him back.

"Don't try to get up," Henry took out his phone, "I'm calling an ambulance. It may sound overboard but trust me, it's not..."

You looked around at the large class only to see that everyone had stopped talking and was watching the scene unfold. You hadn't even noticed it in your panic but now you did and you felt awkward.

"Do you know what the problem is...?" Shuichi asked.

"Unfortunately, no. Neither of us are doctors," Charles shook his head.

"All we know is that it could be life-threatening," Henry informed.

"I said I'm fine, r-really..." Simon tried once again to stand up but was once again pushed back.

"Simon, your body is so weak it can't handle its own weight. Do you understand? Don't stand up because you'll probably faint again," Henry warned.

"Eh...? I'm not... weak," Simon blinked in confusion.

Paramedics suddenly arrived, and Henry and Charles stepped away from Simon to let the paramedics put him on a stretcher. You, Shuichi, Henry, and Charles followed because you were concerned for your friend. The paramedics didn't say anything as they loaded him onto a hospital bed that was situated in the hallway. They secured Simon down so he wouldn't fall and then began to wheel him out, the four of you following.

"Is he gonna be alright...?" You weakly asked to break the silence.

"Probably," the paramedics shrugged, all of you quickly getting into the elevator. They pressed the ground floor button and it started to go down, but suddenly stopped at the second floor to let someone else in. A girl with long, blonde hair that got dusty pink near the end and wore a pink and white striped shirt with fuzzy pink sleeves and a hot pink miniskirt tried to walk in, seeming not to care about the fact there was someone in a hospital bed and paramedics. However, the paramedics blocked her way.

"Move over! Lady here!" she scoffed.

"Miss, we're sorry but this is a medical emergency. If you do not cooperate immediately and let us use the elevator we will have to make you cooperate right away because time could be important. Please wait," the paramedics scowled at her.

"Oh. Em. GEE!!! Some stupid retard had to decide to die or whatever on the day of my recital?!" the girl growled, "Hurry it up! If I'm late it's gonna make me look bad!"

The paramedics closed the elevator door and sighed, "Now I wish we were wheeling that lady in instead."

You looked over at Simon to find that he was asleep, and you hoped that wasn't a bad sign or that he'd actually passed out again.

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