Blackened Ending

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You had to escape. You had to get out of here. You didn't care about what you were leaving behind anymore, you'd come back for them later. You were at the end of your limit after being stuck in this disgusting household pretending everything was normal when you knew it wasn't. You had to escape.

You took a knife from the kitchen just in case Shuichi managed to stop you again. You weren't scared to get violent and fight back anymore, you just wanted out.

Just like every single time Shuichi pulled you back when you touched the knob, but this time you were the one to surprise him. You took your knife and stabbed him, but you only hit open air. It took you a moment to realize that he'd just dodged your blow, and now he pointed a gun at you.

"(Y/N), my sweetheart... I really don't wanna hurt you... put the knife down..." Shuichi's hands were trembling as he pointed the gun at you.

You just stared at him for several minutes, watching his mentality shatter more and more as he was forced to keep the gun pointed at you in self defense. You wanted to see him break. You'd already been broken, after all.

"I want my friends back..." You sighed, then raised the knife and stabbed him in the shoulder as hard as you could. The knife got buried all the way to the handle and blood poured out of the wound, making Shuichi scream in agony and drop the gun. From the other room you could hear your baby Alexis start crying from the commotion.

You ignored the noise and slowly took out the knife, twisting it around as you did so to make it more painful.

You used to laugh and talk with your friends happily and carelessly.

"Charles didn't deserve to be tortured..." You stabbed his other shoulder, making him scream again. You dug the knife around mercilessly as you watched his painful expression and heard his cries of pain, though he didn't beg or plead for mercy even once.

None of you had a care in the world as you made fun of Charles or grumbled about this and that.

"Henry didn't deserve to be driven to suicide..." You impaled his stomach, watching his guts and insides spill out with a sick, sadistic grin. His screaming and crying was starting to fade, and you could tell he was fighting against either passing out or death, you didn't know or care as you sliced his insides to ribbons.

You hid from the rain with Simon under Shuichi's umbrella, making awkward introductions as you realized you had the same homeroom.

"Simon didn't deserve to have the plug pulled..." You finally hovered over his heart, threatening to stab him.

You worked with Henry in the lab to solve the robbery, completely surprised by his presence but happy he was there to help.

"But you do..."

With that you sunk the blade into his heart, blood pouring out everywhere and Shuichi immediately hanging limp. You were covered head to toe in blood, but you weren't gonna shower and clean up. You were going to report this as self defense, so you had to stay covered in blood. You still didn't dare visit Alexis since you didn't want her to see you covered in her dad's blood, and instead you called the police.

"This is 911, what's your emergency?"

"I-I-... I need police and an ambulance!! H-he threatened to sh-shoot me, so I s-stabbed him, and... o-oh god..." You whined.

"Ma'am, please tell me your location."


You gently cooed Alexis back to sleep, rocking her slowly, "There you go... poor girl..."

"(Y/N)... I'm really sorry this had to happen. I didn't know he was still dangerous," Ishikarai sighed. He was the only one at the station this late, so he had to listen to your story. You told him about what happened tonight as well as the countless months you'd spent trapped under Shuichi's control.

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