Chapter 6

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"Haahh... so cold..." Your teeth chattered as you continued walking in the cold rain, trying to get to the food court. It was closer than your dorm and you were hungry anyways, so you chose to go there before going to your dorm.

Once you finally got inside the food court you wiped your shoes on a mat that had been laid out and was already covered in wet footprints, mud, and puddles of water. You were soaked from the rain and you hoped Shuichi wouldn't be too angry at the sight of his hoodie drenched in water.

"I could really go for something warm..." You thought aloud, wandering around the food court until you decided on something to eat.


"Oh boy... I hope he's not here..." You held your breath as you opened the door to your dorm, but to your luck Shuichi was there, doing homework at his desk. He looked up when you walked in and gasped.

"(Y/N)! You're drenched... you should change into something warm and dry so you don't get sick..." Shuichi warned.

"What's up with you being so concerned with rain and catching colds or whatever? I've like, never heard of that," You raised a brow.

"...You don't want to know what I have against sickness. Please just get changed or I will get a hair dryer and dry you out..." Shuichi threatened, making you laugh at the idea.

"Fine, fine, I'll go change," You sighed and took some fresh clothes from your wardrobe, "I'll be back."

You walked to the community bathroom and got changed in there, then returned to your dorm with your wet clothes in hand. You put your dirty clothes in your dirty clothes basket and then turned to face Shuichi, holding up his hoodie, "What do you want me to do with this, cuz it's all wet..."

"Here, let me see it," Shuichi reached for the hoodie and you gave it to him. He put it on a hanger and then hung it on a little hook by the window, "When the rain stops the sun will help dry it..."

"Since when was there a hook up there?" You questioned.

"Oh, sorry...! Usually I hang some kind of decoration by my window so I put the hook there... but it doubles as a place for hoodies to dry, I guess," Shuichi explained.

"You hang decorations by the window?" You were kind of puzzled.

"Yeah. Usually I like to hang a toy magnifying glass I've had since I was little, but I guess I forgot to bring it with me..." Shuichi sighed.

"Have you always been a fan of detective stuff?" You asked.

"Not really... my uncle was a detective for our small town and I just ended up helping out sometimes," Shuichi shrugged.

"Is that how you got your talent?" now you were curious.

"No... I got my talent for solving a murder case... though I kind of regret it. I just stumbled upon the answer before the police did by blind luck and told them where the killer was... but then I learned that the killer had done the murder because the victim had driven someone close to them to suicide. But I didn't know at the time... So many people said the victim deserved it, that they got what was coming to them... and the killer believed they were justified, too..." Shuichi sighed, looking downcast, "I can't believe after everything I've gone through I'm still running from my talent..."

"Hey! Don't talk down on yourself like that!" You gasped, "It doesn't matter what the reason for the murder was, what matters is that it was murder! Unless it's self defense, murder is murder... there's no grey area between life and death and there's nothing violence will solve. The victim, no matter what they did, didn't deserve to die because no matter what somebody does they have a right to live. You were right to get them prosecuted for what they did!"

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