Chapter 14

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"Bye Samantha," You gave the little girl a quick hug and then patted her back.

"Bye (Y/N)..." Samantha sadly left the room with the police officer that was going to take her to the orphanage.

You sighed, "That was... something."

"Yeah..." Shuichi agreed. He was still in uniform which made him look kind of badass but you didn't mention that.

"Well... on different news I visited Simon, pretty sure that was obvious by the fact I was at the hospital. Well anyways, um... h-he coughed up blood, and I called for help and the doctors pushed me out... I w-waited for hours before they let me see him and they said he had to have emergency surgery to remove a splintered piece of a chicken bone... but they still don't know why he has a fever," You summarized.

"Oh..." Shuichi looked downcast.

"Y-yeah... I think he's okay now though?" You bit your lip, hoping you weren't just full of false hope.

"I hope he is..." Shuichi sighed.

Suddenly the door opened to reveal a rather fat officer. He turned to face you, "You're (Y/N) (L/N), Ultimate Forensic Scientist, right?"

"Yeah..." You suspiciously answered, concerned about why a police officer would refer to you like that.

"How would you like to work as a trainee here?" the officer offered.

You immediately froze up. A job opportunity?! "W-wait... really?"

"Yeah, the lab guys say they could use an extra hand! You interested?" the officer asked like he already knew the answer.

"Uh- yeah!" You gave the obvious answer, and he laughed.

"Follow me, I'm in charge of hiring cops and detectives but not the lab guys. That's what we call them, they like calling us gun guys. Get used to it," the officer talked as you both walked through a hallway and up stairs that read 'EMPLOYEES ONLY.' Guess that rule was being broken right now.

The second floor simply had a narrow hallway with two sets of double doors on either side, and a stairway to the third floor all the way at the other end. The officer lead you through the doors on the right which revealed a very expansive {and expensive} laboratory. You'd be lying if you said you weren't interested.

"Woah..." You looked around at all the equipment that was carefully cleaned and stored as well as everyone that was working. Each of them had on a white lab coat, goggles, and blue gloves. Once you entered one of them paused their work, taking off their gloves and goggles and walking over to you. He was a kind of skinny man with brown hair very neatly swept to one side. He was very tall, easily six feet!

"I'm assuming you're (Y/N)?" he asked in a cool, friendly voice.

"Yeah," You nodded.

He stuck out his hand for a handshake, "Nice to meet you, I'm Cody. I double as a forensics specialist and the employer for anyone who wants to work in the lab."

You shook hands with him, "Sounds like a lot of work."

Cody laughed, "I already like you, that's not the first thing someone usually says to me."

"What do they usually say?" You ask.

"Mmm, lots of people comment about how tall I am," Cody shrugged.

"I wonder why," You joked, and he chuckled.

"Well, getting down to business, I'm assuming you're interested in working as a trainee?" Cody prompted.

Valentine's Day {Yandere!Shuichi x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now