Chapter 17

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You all got out of the van and walked under the yellow tape that said: 'CRIME SCENE: DO NOT CROSS' in bold black letters. It felt good to be able to totally ignore that tape.

"Do you guys know what happened at the robbery?" You asked.

"Well... the only thing we have right now is that Vanessa and Rebecca started beating up Nathan. Their parents said they're known to be bullies and that they've had behavior problems... what we don't know is which one of them is innocent or guilty because we know one of them snuck around during the commotion of the fight and stole money from the register," Shuichi explained.

"There's no fingerprints which sucks," Henry huffed.

"Well, at least now I know what we're swabbing for," You chuckled.

"Mhm... we need to see if we can find any traces of DNA on or around the register," Henry finished for you as he took out some swabbing tools. You took some out as well, eager to be able to see how well these swabs worked instead of the crappy swabs you had to use in simulations or tests.

You and Henry got to work with seeing if there was any source of DNA, though of course you wouldn't know until you got back to the lab. You both took many samples but made sure to keep track of exactly where you swabbed because that was important.

Shuichi spent his time in the lobby area looking at a broken flower pot, which you knew was obviously a point of interest, then.

"Find something, Shuichi?" You asked.

"I think so... there was no report of a broken flower pot in the original police record and I know they wouldn't miss something like that... which means someone possibly tampered with the crime scene. But nothing else is changed which means it was purposeful and mocking..." Shuichi sighed.

"The girls are both in custody, right?" Your brows furrowed.

"Yeah, and Nathan has an alibi for the entire timeframe this could've happened... we had to question him because he's involved in the slightest. We also questioned their parents but they have an alibi," Shuichi looked back down at the broken pot.

"Well... we're done swabbing the crap outta this place. Maybe it'll help clear what happened," You suggested.

"Maybe," Shuichi shrugged, "I guess we'll head back to the station, I need to report what happened. I'm sure Brad won't mind standing guard for a while."

Your eyes turned to Brad, who was the officer that had drove the three of you there. As an officer his uniform was slightly different from Shuichi's but not too different. He was allowed on crime scenes but definitely wasn't the main investigator for any crimes.

"You go talk to him. Who's driving?" You asked.

"I can drive," Shuichi offered.

"Okay, then we'll leave the driver's seat open for you," You nodded and you and Henry took your seats in the van. You got the passenger seat and Henry was stuck in the back, next to him the box of samples you'd just collected. Each sample was in a plastic bag so they didn't touch each other and get contaminated, and you thought about how much plastic one crime like this was using. Whoever made plastic bags was probably in business with the police department!! And, sucks for any environmentalists who wanna join the force.


"Eh? There's some spit on this swab but since it's been a while it's not good anymore, but check this out! There's a lot of this disease on it, I think whoever did it is sick!" You had Henry look under the microscope. Henry took a look.

"If there's spit they probably coughed or sneezed without covering their mouth... aaaand, I have no idea what that is off the top of my head but I know someone who is... luckily I don't have to go through consulting procedures because they've made it so the entire force can consult Charles!" Henry took a special camera made to take pictures of microscopic things, angling it very carefully before taking a picture and sending it to Charles on his phone, asking him what it was.

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