A new friend

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Taehyung POV

I woke up to a coldness in the bed even though I was wrapped in my thick blankets. Wait where did Jungkook go? Probably downstairs already. Can't believe he didn't wake me up. I got up and did my morning routine I did every morning.

"Good morning Hyung." I yawned while sitting down and waiting for the food to be ready. "Where's Kookie?"

"Good morning tae and I think he woke up really early and left to go pick up that Jimin kid from yesterday. Not really sure I didn't had my coffee at that time." Jin said, placing the food in front of me. "Now eat. I'll drive you to school today."

For some reason I feel sad. Didn't Jungkook say he'll walk to school with me from now on? I thanked Jin Hyung and quickly ate my food, wanting to see Jimin Hyung and Jungkook.

After I ate my food, I packed up and things and Jin drove me to school. I ran out the car, expecting to see Jimin and Jungkook waiting for me outside but couldn't find them anywhere. Maybe they're inside already. It is pretty cold out here.

I walked to my locker, hoping to find the two but still no luck. The only place left was our home room. It was still early though so not exactly sure. I walked to our home room and found Jimin sitting on jungkook's lap while watching videos on one of their phones. I can see jungkook's arms arms wrapped around Jimin's waist like he does with me. I felt my heart shatter a little. But why though?

"Hey guys!" I faked a smile and sat next to the alpha. They finally noticed me and smiled back.

"Hey Tae. You're finally here." Jimin smiled.

"Don't I always get here at this time?" I asked.

"Oh I must had woken up early then and didn't notice the time. Why didn't you tell me Kookie?" Jimin whined while turning around and hitting jungkook's chest. Jungkook only replied with a chuckle.

"Sorry princess." Jungkook laughed.

We continued talking even though I didn't really feel like talking until the teacher walked in and told everyone to go to their seats.

"Jimin and Jungkook! This is school time not mating time. Jungkook go back to your seat." Ms. Lee scolds. Their faces turned red and Jungkook removes Jimin from his lap and walked back to his seat with a laughing jaehyun making fun of him.

The bell for first period rang and students including myself walked out the door. Since Jungkook and I have first period together, we always walk together. We usually talk on the way but it seems like Jungkook was the only one talking today. Why do I feel like not talking to him today?

"Angel are you ok? Do you not feel good?" He asked with concern laced in his voice.

"I'm fine Kookie! I'm just tired." I lied.

"Make sure you go to sleep earlier next time. You need your beauty sleep to look cute like you usually do." He winks. I felt my face go red. I didn't reply back and walked faster to our class.

"Angel wait up!" He chuckles.


It was finally the end of the school day. I wanna hang out with Kookie and Jimin. The bad feeling was now gone and I was much happier than I was this morning.

I skipped down the hall and see Jungkook and Jimin walking away. Wait they aren't waiting for me? Maybe I should wait a bit to see what they'll do before confronting them. I watched from a distance and they kept walking, not stopping or anything. Maybe they did mean to leave me behind. Suddenly the bad feeling is back.

"Hey guys. Where you guys going?" I ran up to them and back hugged Jimin since he was easier to hug.

"W-we're uhh..." Jimin starts, sneakily looking at Jungkook for help. Too bad I already know.

"We're going to study Hyung. We have a test last period. Do you-" Jungkook saves Jimin.

"Nah it's fine. I'm busy anyways." I lied again. "See you tomorrow!" I waved and ran to the direction of my house, not holding back the tears in my eyes. After a minute or so I start to slow down and walk at a slow pace. Why would they lie to me? It's so obvious they lied. Jimin stutters when he lies and Jungkook called me Hyung and not angel. Maybe I should talk to someone? I know! Jisoo! I felt my energy go up a little, excited to see her even though I saw her yesterday. I ran to her cafe and opened the door. Luckily the cafe wasn't packed yet so it made my job easier to see Jisoo.

"Noona!" I screamed, not paying attention to see that Jisoo wasn't there but it was actually her mate. I can see her shiver at loud things or get shy a lot so I must had scared her.

"Oh I'm sorry. I thought Jisoo noona was here like usual." I sulked.

"I-it's f-fine. W-what can I-I g-get y-you?" She stuttered.

"Oh please don't be scared of me. I didn't mean to scare you. Please forgive me." I bowed, ignoring her question.

"It's f-fine Tae. I j-just get n-nervous around new people." She quickly mumbles.

"What's your name? You're Jisoo noona's mate right?" I asked with curiosity.

"My name is Chaeyoung but you can call me Rose if you want and yes I'm jisoo's mate." She smiled.

We decided to talk even more and ended up becoming friends.

"Say Rosie where's Noona anyways? She's always here when I come in." I asked, not realizing I gave her a nickname.

"She has a lecture for one of her classes in college. She asked me to watch the cafe for her. Of course I said yes but I get too shy or nervous when someone comes in." She said softly.

"Why don't I help you then? I have nothing to do this evening so can I?" I asked excitedly.

"If you want. Thanks Taehyung!" She hugged me as soon as I get on the other side of the counter. I texted Jin a quick text saying I'm helping out a friend.

"Alright let's do this!" I cheered. I greeted my first customer and surprisingly I did it right. Rosie went back to the back because she felt more comfortable over there than at the front.


It was 9pm when the cafe finally closed down. I help Rosie clean the tables and mop the floor, all ready for tomorrow.

"I appreciate the help Tae. You have my number right? Call me when you're free." She said while giving me a hug.

"No worries Rosie." I said while hugging her back. We pulled back and waved goodbye to each other and walked the opposite direction.

I reached my home in less than ten minutes. I saw the lights off so Jin must be upstairs. I ate the dinner he left out on the table for me, such a caring brother. I should thank him later. I ate my dinner and went upstairs and went to Jin's room to only find him sleeping already in his pajamas. I smiled at the sight of my brother sleeping. At least that's how he looks so handsome all the time. I walked to my room and took a shower after placing my bag in the floor.

After I got dressed I go on my phone for a bit and saw a picture of Jimin and Jungkook together on Jimin's instagram. At least they're happy. I turn off my phone and closed my eyes with the bad feeling in my chest again.

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