Ice skating

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Third POV
(I think I'm spoiling y'all too much 🤦🏻‍♀️ Enjoy!)

After 10 minutes or so, they finally arrived at the place. Jungkook exited the car first, slamming the door which scared Taehyung. He went to Taehyung's door and opened it, carefully grabbing Taehyung's hand to lead him the way.

"Angel you just have to trust me ok?" Jungkook asked once Taehyung was out of the car and standing in front of the alpha.

"I trust you Kookie." Taehyung smiled, squeezing his hand to let Jungkook know.

Jungkook slowly led Taehyung to the building, Jimin opening the door for them so the door wouldn't close on either of them.

"Ok you can remove the blindfold now." Jungkook said but didn't remove his hand from Taehyung's.

With his one free hand, he removed the blindfold and looked around, gasping at the sight.

"Are we ice skating today?!" Taehyung asked excitedly.

"Yes we are angel." Jungkook ruffled his hair. "I remember you saying you wanna go ice skating a couple weeks ago so I asked Jaehyun for help and he got the whole place for us today."

"You didn't have to do that Kookie. Thanks Kookie." Taehyung said as he hugged Jungkook who hugged him back.

"Tae you're finally here!" Someone screamed, scaring the two omegas. "Happy birthday!"

Taehyung looked around and saw Yuta running towards them even though it looked a bit weird. And behind him was his mate WinWin so probably their other friends were here as well and Taehyung couldn't wait to see them again.

"Thank you Hyung!" Taehyung hugged Yuta once he was in range. "Hyung I think you grew." Taehyung said once he noticed how much taller Yuta was compared to his old height.

"No silly. He's just wearing skates." WinWin pointed out. "I don't think he can grow any taller." He chuckled. "Also happy birthday Hyung."

"Thank you WinWin!" Taehyung smiled, approaching the omega who pulled him into a hug.
"Is everyone else here too?" Taehyung asked, wanting to see his other friends as well.

"Unfortunately only Chenle and I came this time. Everyone else was busy but they wish you happy birthday." WinWin weakly smiled.

Taehyung sadly nodded his head but then a thought overcame that sadness:

"I wanna get skates too!"

"Then let's get you a pair. You too Jimin— Wait where did he go?" WinWin said.

Taehyung, Yuta, and Jungkook looked around and noticed Jimin wasn't with them. That's because he smelt his mates' scents so he decided to go to them, just as friends though, nothing more.

"He probably went ahead. Come on let's go." Jungkook said, holding onto Taehyung's hand and leading him to where Yuta and WinWin, leading the couple behind.

"Do you think they'll be mates?" WinWin asked as soon as they weren't in hearing range.

"I know they'll be mates." Yuta confidently responded. "We'll see by tomorrow anyways."

Taehyung and Jungkook went to the back room and saw all his friends there, old ones and new ones.

"Happy birthday Taehyung!" Everyone shouted once they saw him enter.

"Thank you everyone!" Taehyung smiled.

Some people were coming up to hug him which he happily accepted since he loves hugs.

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