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Third POV

It was a quiet Sunday morning and Taehyung finally woke up. He checked his phone for the time and realized it's much later than what he usually wakes up to. Probably due to staying up late to finish a book he started yesterday afternoon.

I should do something today. Taehyung thought as he got off his bed and into the bathroom to get ready for the day.

After he finished everything in the bathroom, he went back to his room to decide what to wear for the day.

Maybe I should go for a run today. (He means in wolf form) Then no need to wear anything fancy. Taehyung said as he rummage through his closet. Ah this will due. Taehyung said as he pulled out a plain white shirt along with gray sweats. Easy and quick to take off and slip on.

After he got dressed, he headed downstairs to the kitchen for a quick breakfast, not wanting something heavy to eat.

He looked on the counter and saw a note from Jin.

Dear baby brother,

As you see I'm not here like I usually am. That's because my boss called me in today since one of my co-workers called in sick. I was in a rush so I didn't have a chance to make you something so make sure to eat something before doing anything.

From your handsome brother

Oh so that's why he didn't wake me up. Taehyung giggled. He grabbed a protein bar, opened it and started eating it as he made his way out the house, making sure his keys and phone were in his pockets.

At first he started walking, still eating his protein bar, letting his feet take him somewhere.

In the end, he ended up at the entrance of a familiar forest. Usually where other wolves ran so it was a perfect place to run. He finished eating eating and walked deeper in the forest.

After wandering for a bit, he took off his clothes so they didn't rip in the process, texted Jin beforehand where he went, and finally shifted into his wolf form.

Where Taehyung stood was now a beautiful white wolf. He stretched his limbs before taking off.

As he ran, he felt the wind brush through his luscious white fur, feeling the rocky terrain of the forest underneath his paws.

After running for hours with breaks in between, he stumbled upon a beautiful sight. It was a lake with some type of cave behind it though it seems rather familiar to him.

"Hyung where are you?" A kid's voice shouted, obviously looking for someone.

"Kookie I'm in here!" A new voice called out.

"Bad Hyung! Why did you hide from me?" The first kid pouted.

"Aww I'm sorry Kookie. Let's go swimming in the lake!" The other kid smiled, pulling the other in who just laughed along.

Wait is this the same place as the one Kookie and I played at all the time? I can't believe I forgot all about it. Taehyung thought, looking around the area a bit more.

He walked towards the water and drank the fresh water, thirsty from running for so long.

Maybe I should take a quick nap. Taehyung thought once more. He walked around the lake, making his way to the cave. He looked around, not seeing any dangers. He laid down and laid his head on his two front legs, quickly falling asleep.


Jimin was walking while listening to music, occasionally humming along.

If you're wondering where he's going, he was going to the cafe near school. He wasn't meeting anyone there but he was craving the chocolate cake they served there.

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