1- When I first met him Pt. 1

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It was a beautiful morning, that it felt like the sun was smiling down to earth. I woke up all cheerful and excited as I always do. I went to the bathroom and started doing my morning routine. Thank goodness I'm gonna graduate High School soon. Just one month left.

"Morning Kookie!" I said with a bright smile.

"Morning sis." he said casually.

"Did you need anything?" I asked.

"Um, yeah. Could you wake the other hyungs up. They only wake up when you tell them to, and I have a surprise for all of you."

"What is it?" I asked, almost screaming.

"You'll see." he said with a smirk. " Now go wake them up."

"Ok" I said as I started walking to my brother, Hoseok's room.

On my way there, I started to think of how weird my family is. Not by behavior weird. I mean genetic weird. Jungkook and I are twins, and we don't even look similar. Our other bro's, Jimin and Taehyung are twins, and they don't look similar. Our other set of twins are Namjoon and Hoseok. No where near looking similar. They only one out of all of us who doesn't have a twin is Jin. I know, it's weird. But I still love my family.

Once I got to Hobi's door, I opened it, and see a sleeping Hobi.

"Aw. How cute." I thought as I grab a cup of water from his bathroom sink.

"To bad I have to do this." I said with a smirk.

I pulled the bed sheets out of the way, and poured cold water all over his body.

"Hey! Y/N! What is wrong with you?" he yelled. I couldn't stop laughing.

"I'm sorry. Its just that Jungkook wanted me to wake you and the others up." I said calming myself down.

" Why? You and Jungkook are the only ones who need to wake up early for school. The other's and I wake up later for work." he stated with a frown.

"I know but he has a surprise for all of us." 

"What is it?" he asked with a bright smile.

"I don't know. He didn't tell me." I said with a frown.

"Oh well." he said. "Ok, well, go wake the others"

"Ok. By the way, You might want to cover your ears." I said with a smirk.

"Why?" He asked with a confused look.

"You will see" I said as I was leaving his room.

I don't know why, but I love pulling evil little pranks on my Oppa's. I'm surprised they still haven't got me back yet. Probably because I'm the youngest out of all of us and I'm to precious for them to hurt.

I went back to my room, and grabbed a horn. Its one of those loud horns people use to do pranks. But mine is loud enough to go around the house. 

I honked, and all I heard was screaming. Next thing I know, all of them are leaving there rooms.

"Now I know what you meant." Hobi said with a grin.

"What was that for Y/N?" Namjoon yelled.

"You and Jungkook should be the only ones awake, Not us." Jimin said calmly.

"I know but Jungkook has a surprise for us." I said.

"What is it?" Tae asked.

"I don't know." I said with a frown.

"You guys can come down now." Jungkook yelled from the living room.

We all looked at one another in a confused way. Once we were all in the living room, he told us to close our eyes. So we did.

 He guided us all the way to the garage. I wonder why.

" Ok, now open them." He said with a shout.

I saw 7 new cars. And when I say new, I mean new. But they were all different brands. There was BMW, Cadillac, Audi, Lexus, Mercedes, Lamborghini, and a Tesla. I couldn't believe he spent so much money for cars. I looked at the others, and they were all shocked as well.

"Jungkook! Did you ask mom and dad's permission to buy all of these?" Jin asked, shouting.

Jungkook took a moment to think before saying, "No."

"Bro, we have like 8 other cars and trucks. Did you really need to buy more?" Namjoon asked.

"The garage wasn't even half way full. I was trying to fill it up a bit." he said casually

"Did you use the family money?" Tae asked.

"No. I used my money. You all should appreciate." Jungkook said, starting to get angry.

"But how did you afford all these cars?" I asked.

"All the companies gave me a 90% discount."he said casually.

"Wow. That's pretty good," Hobi said,"But why such a huge discount?" he suddenly asked.

"Probably cause I'm the son of one of the richest families in the country." he said as we all laughed.

"Well know that were all awake, thanks to someone here," he said while glaring at me," We should just all get ready for our day, while I go make breakfast." I love it when he cooks.

We all nodded and went to where we needed to be. Everyone but me, Jin, and Jungkook went upstairs to dress up, while we went to the kitchen.

" Y/N, aren't you and Kookie suppose to be at school by now?" Jin asked.

" No, classes don't start for another two hours." I said.

"Then why do you two leave so early?" he asked with a confused face

"So we can talk to our friends and have breakfast over there. Duh." Jungkook said in a sarcastic tone.

"By the way Kook, where's mom and dad?" I asked.

"They left early and went to the mall to open it." he said.

"Ok." I said.

Once everyone came down, we all ate breakfast together. I couldn't stop thinking of how me and my brother's would one day take over the company. But our parents won't let us have the company till Jungkook and I turn 20. Now we're 19. We need six more months. 

It was time for me and Kook to leave for school. We washed our dishes, grabbed our phones and bags, gave goodbye hugs to our brothers, and we went to the garage to pick a car to drive.

"Y/N, pick your car!" he shouted with joy.

"Ok. I pick this one." I said.

"No fair, I wanted that one!" he shouted with a pout. 

"Too bad. you have six other cars to choose from." I said as he chuckled.

"By the way, I'm driving." I said. He nodded.

Once we were in the car, I started to drive to school.

A/N: Hey everyone! So here is the first chapter to my first fan fic, I hope you enjoyed. So, this is just part one, I'm probably gonna write more than two parts, but its all gonna be one day. I hope you all can support me, in the future with this book. I will also try to update often since summer is starting next week for me, so hopefully all would go well. Thank you all for reading, and I might publish the next part maybe later today or tomorrow. I purple you ARMY's!!!

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