25- The Cafe Pt. 1

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(5 days later)(Y/N's POV)

In these passed few days in the mornings, I go to this new cafe called Rosebud Cafe with Mi-Sun. I get her a hot chocolate, and I get a coffee.

I still take Mi-Sun to work, but she's gone with her dad like three times in five days. And that's fine. I mean, Mi-Sun and Yoongi do have the right to get to know each other. But Mi-Sun has never left my side before, so its weird when she's not around. Hopefully she stays today.

For some reason, the line to get a coffe here is pretty long. Mi-Sun and I have been standing in line for 12 minutes, and there's like five more people in front of us.

"Mommy, this is taking forever. We should go somewhere else." Mi-Sun pouted.

"Mi-Sun, you need to have patience." I chuckled . "There is very few people in front of us now."

She just nodded, and continued to be silent.

(5 minutes later)

It's finally our turn.

There was a girl facing the other way, but she was so close to the cash register, that I'm pretty sure that she will take our order.

"Hi! What can I get you?" she asked, turning around. OMG! It can't be. I'm pretty sure that she was so surprised as me, that she widened her eyes.

"Y/N?!?!?!" she asked.


"OMG Y/N!!!! Its been too long since I last saw you!!!" she shouted.

So what happened to Rose, Yiren, Daniel, and Minjae was that they all left the country to go find a better life, and to follow their dreams. They left some time after Mi-Sun was born. Rose went to Paris. She wanted to be a baker, but she wanted different recipies. Yiren went to London in hopes of being a fashion designer. Daniel went to Mexico City to continue his family business. And Minjae went to some city in the U.S. called Denver to live a grand and simple life since apparently you can do any of them there.

They told me to find a life away from Korea, but I can't just leave my reputation and family for my own selfish reasons. So I said no. After they all left. I lost contact with them. I haven't known anything about them in years. But now, I found Rose.

"Where the hell have you been?!?!" I asked. Still shocked.

"I've been in Paris all this time. I just came back like two weeks ago." she responded.

"Oh my god Rose. I missed you so gosh darn much." I said with so much emotion wanting to come out.

"So have I. We need to catch up."

Rose turned around to someone behind her.

"Hey can you cover for me? I need to speak with my friend." Rose pointed at me.

The guy looked at me, and nodded.

We walked to a to a table by a window.

"Mommy, who is this?" Mi-Sun finally spoke.

Rose looked at Mi-Sun.

"Oh my goodness!! Is that Mi-Sun?!?!" Rose asked with a smile

"Yes it is." I replied.

"Oh my. She's grown so much. I haven't seen her since she was a baby." she awed.

"Wait, you've known me since I was a baby?" Mi-Sun asked.

"Yes. Your Mom and I are really good friends. We've been friends since we were teens." Rose stated.

"Wow. Did you also know my dad?" Mi-Sun asked out of the blue.

Rose looked at me with the look saying 'What should I say?'

"Mi-Sun, do you wanna watch Netflix on my phone?" I asked.

"Yes!!" she half shouted.

"Ok. But wear head phones." I gave her my phone and headphones. She nodded in agreement and started using my phone.

"Have you heard anything about the others?" Rose asked.

"No I haven't. I lost contact with all of you after you all left." I responded.

Rose hummed in response.

"So tell me. How was Paris?" I asked.

"Oh. It was beautiful. I got this apartment with a perfect view of the Eiffel Tower, and the whole place lit up every night." Rose said with a sparkle in her eye.

"Did you ever learn new things to bake?" I asked.

"Yes. I learned a lot of new things." she nodded. "I even entered a baking competition a few years ago, and I won."

"Really? You should bake my something soon." I said with a joyful smile.

"Of course!" she answered with excitement.

"So tell me, how are things here with you? How are your brothers, the mall...... drama?" she asked the last one with a smirk.

I sighed.

I explained everything that has happened since Yoongi showed up. How a mess I've been. How I'm close friends with Baehyun She seemed pretty interested about what's been going on with me since she never interrupted me the whole time.

"But overall, I'm fine. I have a beautiful, healthy daughter. Business is booming, and my brothers are fine." I ended my story with that.

It took Rose a few minutes to take it all in.

"Wow. You have a lot on your plate. But I know things will get better at some point." she grabbed my hand and she started to comfort me.

"Mommy, you're getting a call from Uncle Hobi." Mi-Sun said.

"Oh shit. I'm so late for work." I widened my eyes

"Hey, Rose! You need to come back. There are too many customers!" they guy who covered for Rose shouted.

"I need to get to work." Rose said, which made me laugh.

We hugged each other and said our goodbyes.

"I'll call you if I find someone else." Rose said.

"I'll do the same." I replied with a smirk.

Mi-Sun and I got in the car and I started to drive to the mall. I started to call Hobi since I missed his call.

"Y/N? Where are you?" Hoseok asked.

"I'm on my way." I simply answered.

"Ok. But why are you late?" he asked.

I smiled a bit before I could answer.

"Let's just say I met someone I haven't seen in forever."

"Was it a guy?" he asked.

"What? No!" I widened my eyes. "She was one of my best friends from school."

"Oh. Ok."

"I'll be there in five minutes." I said.

"Ok. See you soon." then he hung up.

A/N: Hello guys! Wow. It's been some time since I last updated. And for that, I apologize. I only have one month left of summer, so I want to try to finish the story as soon as possible. Like I said before, the song at the top has no meaning to the chapter unless I say so. And its called Can't You See Me? by TXT. I hope you all have a good weekend! I Purple You! See you guys next chapter!

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