29- Kill This Love Pt.1

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(Y/N's POV)(3 weeks later)

Being  Baekhyun's girlfriend is probably the best decision I've ever made. He's so amazing. He helps me with Mi-Sun when I'm at work, he brings me flowers nearly everyday, I'm running out of room. He helps me prepare dinner, he gets along with my brothers and friends, and he respects me. He said that we won't have sex till we get married. That's a good thing since I don't want the same thing that happened with Yoongi to happen. Not that I'm calling Baekhyun Yoongi. Nope. He's ten times better than Yoongi. 

My relationship is great. There's just one tiny problem. Yoongi. I don't know why, but every single time Yoongi brings Mi-Sun home at night, he kisses me. There are times where I try to push him away, but he's stronger than me. And there are times where I can't reject his lips. I know, I'm a terrible person. And I feel terrible sometimes. I don't tell Baekhyun about the kisses because I know he would give Yoongi a piece of his mind. And I don't want them to get into a brawl.

Anyway, Today is a family reunion. My brothers are definitely invited. So is Baekhyun. Mi-Sun won't join until she comes back from Yoongi's at 6:30. Dinner is at 5. 

Dinner is in 3 hours. So I have a lot to do.

(3 hours later)

"Hey sis!" says all of my brothers at the same time.

"Hi everyone!" I greeted everyone as they walk in my house.

"I feel like we haven't had time together in forever." pouted Hoseok.

"I know, right?" says Jimin.

"Hey, at least we all have tonight." says Namjoon, trying to brighten the mood.

"Exactly. We all have to go to work tomorrow, so let's make it the best of it." says Jin.

They all walk into the family room, and sit down at the couch. Jungkook grabs the remote, and he starts going on Netflix to see what we should watch. 

"So what do you guys wanna watch?" asks Kook.

"I want to watch 13 Reason's why." says Jimin.

"No, Mi-Sun is too young for that." says Taehyung.

"Let's watch The Flash." says Hoseok.

"I finished that." says Jungkook.

"Same." we all say.

"Ok. What about Inheritors?" asks Namjoon.

"The one with Lee Minho?" Kookie asks.

"Yeah." Namjoon nods.

"Bro, I saw that like seven years ago." says Tae.

"Ok, what about Boys Over Flowers?" Jin says.

"The one with Lee Minho?" Namjoon asks.

"Yeah." Jin nods.

"I saw that like a decade ago." Jimin says.

"We were kids." says TaeTae.

"Yeah, but Mom watched it all the time." said Jimin.

"True." Jin says.

"What about The King: Eternal Monarch?" I suggest.

"The one with Lee Minho?" Jimin asks.

"Yes." I nod.

"I saw that a few months." says Namjoon.

"What is up with all of you with Lee Minho?" Jungkook asks.

"Hey, Lee Minho does a good job in K-Dramas." Namjoon says.

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