17- Reveal

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(5 months later)(Y/N POV)

Today is the day I find out the gender of my baby. To be honest, I don't care what gender it is as long as the baby is mine.

I've had a lot of support from my brothers, and friends these past few months. My parents still don't know that I'm pregnant. They'll find out in about a week. My birthday is next week, and they'll be here by then. 

Some people suggested I waited to find out the gender until my birthday, but I can't help it, I'm too excited.

I walk in to the clinic and sign in. I was scrolling through my phone for about 10 minutes until I heard my name being called in.

"Y/N." the doctor said.

I stood up, and walked up to her with a smile. "Hi doctor!"

"Hi Y/N! How are you and the baby?" she asked with a smile.

"We're good!" I replied.

"Good. Today is the day we find out what the gender is. Are you excited?"

"I am." I answered with a smile.

"Alright. Let's got started!" She said.

We walked to a room, and started the ultrasound. The baby has grown so much since the last time I was here. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of a living being growing inside of me everyday.

"I think I know what gender it is." the doctor said. "Let me just double check."

A few minutes passed until she spoke up.

"Congratulations Y/N! You're going to have a baby girl!"

"A girl?" I asked.

"Yes." she responded.

"To be honest, I really wanted a girl." I said.

"Well, your wish came true." she said.

I can't believe I'm gonna have a daughter. I want to dress her up, give her advice, teach her things only girls can know.

"Come back in about 2 weeks for your next check up." The doctor said.

"Alright." I said, as I walked out of the clinic.

I got inside my car, and started to drive home.

Once I got home, I unlocked the door, only finding my brothers waiting for me.

"So......... did you find out the gender?" Jungkook asked.

"I did." I simply said.

"And what is it?" Jimin asked.

"Its.......... a girl." I said.

"Its a girl!!!!" Tae jumped. "Pay up everyone!"

Everyone except Jimin and Hobi grabbed cash and gave it to Tae, Jimin, and Hobi.

"Did you guys bet on the gender?" I asked.

"Yes we did. Kook, Namjoon, and Jin thought it was gonna be a boy while Jimin, Hobi and I thought it was gonna be a girl, so we decided to bet on it." Tae explained proudly.

I just chuckled.

"Either way, I know you will all love her very much." I said, rubbing my belly.

"We will." Jungkook patted my back.

(1 week later)(Y/N POV)

Today is me and Jungkook's birthday. Kookie wanted it to be a low key this year since I'm pregnant. I wanted a big party, but he is older than me, so there's nothing I can do.

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