9- They Kissed?!

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(Jimin's POV)

Once They left, Jin started to scold at me.

"Why would you say that?! Y/N is only 19, and your already putting her ideas in her head!" he scolded.

"Look on the bright side, Yoongi said they weren't gonna think about it." I said with a smirk.

Jin glared at me. The others tried to hold back their laughter, so Jin looked back at them, and glared at them as well.

"What is wrong with all of you?! Don't you realize that Y/N is out with some guy she just met?!" he yelled.

"Hyung, what's your problem? She's 19. She has the right to decide for her life." Tae said.

"Yes! But what if they do something wrong?!" he shouted.

"Jin, She's not dumb enough to let a guy touch her. She isn't little anymore." Namjoon responded. 

Jin just stood there, silent, deep in thought. We decided to leave him alone, so we all went to the game room.

(Jin's POV)

"She isn't little anymore." Those words kept ringing in my head.

I understand she isn't little anymore. But it just makes me sad. Me and my brothers were basically the ones who raised her. Our parents were always busy. They barely made time for any of us. I guess that's the consequence for being known, and rich.

I remember the first time my parents went back to work after Jungkook and Y/N turned 3 years old. I was only 6 years old. My Grandmother took care of us all with love and care. Something our parents barely provide for us. When I was 11 years old, my Grandmother made me promise to take care of all of my younger siblings. Once I promised, she died that day. 

After that, I took charge of everything. I always worry about my brothers and sister because its my job. My brothers also help me with Y/N. But she's the baby of the family! And know she's on a date with a guy she just met yesterday.

But there was something about Yoongi. I knew him from somewhere. But where. I walked upstairs to my room, got my laptop, and started to investigate.

(Hoseok's POV)

I wasn't sure about the guy, Yoongi. I got a vibe that something won't be right in the future. He seems nice and all, but we should get to know him better for the sake of Y/N. 

After what happened last night, I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with her being with guys alone.

But I had to admit, she looked beautiful tonight. She is a beautiful person inside and out. And I am so lucky to call someone like her my sister.

(Namjoon's POV)

I kinda liked the guy. He seemed nice. But my bros and I plan to hang out with him tomorrow to get to know him better.

I just hope he will protect Y/N at all times. I walked around the house thinking a bit, till I got to Y/N room.

I stepped in, and saw a bunch of pictures of all of us. From baby pictures to pictures recently taken. I looked at each and every one of them. I would have some flash backs from when we were kids. I can't believe she ain't a baby anymore.

I will always protect her. Even from Yoongi, if it gets to that point.

(Taehyung's POV)

To be honest, I'm pretty happy for Y/N. She deserves someone who can treat her with respect. 

She has never dated anyone. She always wanted to wait till after High School. But guys have always been at her tail. She rejected all of them  as nicely as she could. She couldn't stand hurting anyone's feelings.

I hope she can be happy with the person she picks. And if Yoongi doesn't like her the way she is, well he's missing out of having a kind person in his life.

I will always be there for her, because she's been there for me my whole life. 

If Yoongi breaks her heart, he'll be sorry he ever existed.

(Jungkook's POV)

It's been hours, and Y/N is still not home. I wonder what she's doing. I'm starting to get worried about her. After what happened with that piece of shit, Baekhyung, I'm scared of her leaving without one of us. I'm happy that she told me, and that she was confident enough to allow me to tell the others. Although, I'm not surprised that she didn't want me to tell mom and dad. They barely listen to our problems, or ever home. Know that I'm thinking about it, They haven't been home all weekend so far. 

I was done thinking about my problems, so I walked to my balcony, and I see Yoongi walking with Y/N. She looked so in love. I'm happy for her. As long as she's happy, I'm happy.

I walked back inside, closed the balcony door, and shouted,"Hey guys, come here, Y/N and Yoongi are back!" 

Then I hear running footsteps. Lots of them. They all came barging in, and ran to the balcony door.

"Be quiet, all of you! I want to hear what they're saying." Tae said, before opening the balcony door. He opened the door, and we walked out quietly.

"So I'll call you tomorrow. Alright?" 

"Alright." Y/N replied.

He put his hand on her waist, pulled her closer to him, and he kissed her?!?! By the looks of it, she kissed him back?!?!?

Jin signaled us to go back inside. So we walked back. Once Jin closed the door, Jimin grabbed one of my pillows, and screamed.

"OMG! I can't believe we witness their kiss!" Jimin screamed.

"Come on, let's go downstairs! Fast!" Namjoon shouted.

We all ran down the stairs, and we posed casually, as if we didn't see anything. We heard the keys open the door, and Y/N walked in.

"What was that?" Hoseok asked. Oh my god. I'm gonna kill him.

"What was what?" she asked.

Might as well tell her, know that Hoseok ruined it all. 

"That.....kiss." I hesitated to say.

"It was just a kiss." she said, kinda getting annoyed.

"You guys barely just met yesterday, and know your kissing?" Jin asked

"Details! I want details!" Jimin shouted

"Tomorrow. I'm tired." she said as she started to walk upstairs.

We tried to convince her to tell us, but she ignored us until she yelled,"I said GOODNIGHT!!"

"Night we all responded."

We heard her door closed, and I said to Hobi,"Why would you bring up the kiss?"

"Why not? I mean, we all just witnessed it." he said, still calm.

"Now she's gonna think we stalked her." I responded

"Ok, we get it, your mad that Hoseok brought it up. Can we all just go to bed. I'm tired." Tae said.

We all nodded, and we each went upstairs to our rooms.

I close my door, and do my night routine. I lay in bed, and just think of that Kiss that Yoongi and Y/N had. Y/N seemed very happy. But I hope he doesn't break her in the end.

A/N: Hey guys, so here is the next chapter. I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday, I had boy problems to deal with. I said this was gonna be a short chapter last time. I might update one or two or three more chapters today since it's summer now. I purple you ARMY's!!! See you guys next chapter!

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