30- Kill This Love Pt.2

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(Y/N's POV)(Morning)

It's around 7:30 in the morning, and I barely slept last night.  Probably from feeling bad from what I said last night to Yoongi. I feel terrible.

I get up and head to the bathroom to get ready. My eyes look red. Most likely from all that crying. I wash my face so that it doesn't look like I was crying. 

Mi-Sun is on her last few weeks of school, so I'm making sure she attends everyday.

I go to Mi-Sun's room, and I see her sitting on her bed with her head down. This is not normal.

"Sweetie, what's going on?" I ask with a gentle voice.

She looks up with a scared look on her face.

"Nothing Mommy. I'm ready to go to school." she gets off the bed and leaves the room.

Ok. Now that's just weird.

(1 Hour later)

After I dropped off Mi-Sun, I went straight to work. The fact that Mi-Sun acted strange just kept bothering me.

I get to my office, but I can barely concentrate. A lot of things roam in my head right now.

Eventually, it's lunch, so I leave my office. As I was walking to the food court, Kai and Yeonjun catch up to me.

"Hey Y/N." Yeonjun said to me.

"Hey." I greeted back.

"Why are you so down?" Kai asked.

"It's nothing. I'm just tired." I replied.

"Well, we have a little surprise for you at the food court." Yeonjun said with a smile.

"Ok." I simply answered.

We got to the food court, and I see all of my brothers, and all my friends.

"Y/N! Come sit and eat." Jin pats on a chair next to him.

I sat down.

"What's all this for?" I asked.

"Well, we felt like we haven't all hung out in a while, so we organized this." Daniel said.

"Hope you liked the surprise." Yiren says.

"I do. I really do." I sounded sarcastic, but I really meant it.

All the smiles turned into frowns.

"Did you not like this?" Jungkook asked.

"No. I did. I'm just having a rough day." I said.

Hoseok got up from his seat and came to me.

"Hey, are you ok?" he asked with a gentle voice.

"I just said I'm fine." I half shouted.

It was quiet.

I put my head down and started to cry. Everyone got up from their seats to try to comfort me. But it didn't work. Minjae advised that I should share with them about what's going on. So I did. The truth has to come out eventually.

I told them about my mixed feelings and how I said something rude to Yoongi, and all about my emotions I've been having. The whole time, no one interrupted me. They all listened and nodded as I spoke. Then I was done.

"I say go be with Yoongi." Jungkook says after I finished talking.

"Wait, don't you remember what Yoongi did?" Tae asked.

"Don't you remember what Baekhyun did?" Rose asked.

"Well I think you should be with Yoongi." Jungkook spoke.

"Well I think you should be with Baekhyun." said Tae.

They all started to argue, so I came up with an idea.

"Ok. Raise your hand if you want me to be with Yoongi." I said. Jungkook, Rose, Yiren, Daniel, Minjae, and Yeonjun raised their hands.

"Ok. Now those who want me to be with Baekhyun, raise your hand." I say. Namjoon, Jin, Jimin, Taehyung, Hoseok, and Kai raised their hands.

It was a tie. So there was only one question left.

"Now, those who want me to decide who I should be with, raise your hand." they all raised their hand.

At that moment, I knew who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I knew who I wanted to love with all my heart.

"So, who did you pick?" Jimin asked.

"You'll see. I'll be back." I smiled, and started to walk away.

(30 minutes later)

I drove home fast so I could change really quick. I didn't want to look too formal for the occasion.

But on the front door, I found a note. It said:

Hey, I have a flight later today. I'm sorry I didn't say that I was leaving. Take care of Mi-Sun. I hope you have a good life. I love you. Always.


He's leaving? I didn't really want him to leave. I was just upset last night. I need to stop this.

I drove to the airport as fast as I could. I had to pass the security. Or, they let me pass, since everyone knows me. I went to where all the gates were and I was looking for Yoongi.

"All passengers to London, please start forming a line. Your plane is here." I hear a woman say.

I turn to my left and I see Yoongi. I ran toward him.

"Yoongi." I said, panting.

"Y/N? Why are you here?" he asked me.

"I came to stop you from boarding that plane." I said.

"But isn't this what you wanted? For me to leave" he asked me with sadness in his eyes.

"I know. But you didn't even bother to say goodbye to Mi-Sun." I said.

"What are you talking about? I did. I showed up at your house in the morning, and I said goodbye to her." he says.

Oh. So that's why she was sad.

"Passengers to London, please start boarding the plane." a woman says.

"Look, I got to go. Take care of our daughter." he says.

"You're not going anywhere." I said.

"Why are you trying to stop me?" he asks

"Because you can't leave. You have more business here." I said, trying to sound like I was saying the truth.

"I already finished everything. Goodbye." he turns around and starts walking to the gate.

I turn him around.

"Please. You need to stay." I begged.

"Why do you want me to stay? I'm not needed here." he says.

"Of course your needed. Your daughter needs you. I need you." I said with tears falling on my face.

"That's all you had to say." Yoongi said with a small smile.

We hugged each other, and then our lips smashed. We were basically making out in front of a lot of people. But that didn't matter to me or Yoongi. All that mattered was us. We stopped to grab some air.

"Does this mean you want us to me more than friends again?" he asked

"Yes. I'm yours. Only yours" I said with a smile.

A/N: Hey guys! I hope you all are well. The song at the top is still Kill This Love by BLACKPINK. I'm sorry to say this, but it has been decided that the next chapter will be the last chapter to this book. So stay tuned for the last chapter. I hope you all stay safe. I PURPLE YOU!!!!

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