2- When I first met him Pt. 2

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Once Jungkook and I got to school, we see our friends waiting for us. Once I parked the car, we both get out and run to our friends.

"Y/N!!! Jungkook!!!! You're finally here!" Yiren said.

"Why didn't you guys come early?" Rose asked.

"Because Kookie here had a surprise for me and our brothers, and they were all cars." I said looking at him. He looked a bit embarrassed.

"That is a nice car though." Minjae said looking shocked.

"Thank you." I said. "Kookie, I owe you one."

"I'll call you when I need you." he said with a smirk. Then he winked.

"Yeah, whatever." I rolled my eyes.

" Well, let's go to class before we're late." stated Daniel. We all nodded and went to class.


"So what are you two doing for your birthday this year?" asked Rose.

"We don't know yet. There is only six months left before we turn 20." Jungkook stated.

"Jungkook, when are you gonna date?" Daniel asked. " You've never dated anyone."

"I'll date once I get my piece of the family business." he said.

"Why not date anyone from here in the school?" Minjae asked. "Plus, you have a a bunch of girls on your tail." he said looking at the table full of girls looking at us.

"There is no way I'm ever gonna date one of these hoes!" he shouted.

"Ok, ok, you win." Daniel said calmly.

"What about you Y/N when are you gonna date someone?" Yiren asked.

"Like Kook, when I get my piece of the family business." I stated.

"Really? Because there is a rumor going around saying someone likes you." Rose said.

"Who?" Kook asked.

"Baekhyun." Yiren said in a quiet tone.

I looked over and see Baekhyung looking at our direction. Baekhyung is most popular kid in school after me and Jungkook. He is known for playing with girls. He hit's on them, and when he's not satisfied with her anymore, he dumps her. I got to admit, he is pretty hot, but he's not my type. I want someone to respect me the way I am, and not play with me.

"No, not that jerk!" Jungkook shouted. "You guys should know what he does! There is no way he's hurting my lil sis!"

" I'm your twin!" I shouted at him.

" You were born 1 minute and 30 seconds after me, so basically, your my lil sis." he said with a grin.

"I hate you." I glared at him.

"I love you." he said still grinning. He was so adorable like that, I couldn't help but smile.

"I love you too!" I said.

" I wish I had a twin." Minjae pouted.

"Same." said Rose.

The bell suddenly rang telling us it's time for our next class.

"Let's go." Jungkook said with a frown. We all nodded , and left our next class.

(After School)

"We'll see you guys Monday!" I said

"Ok." They said. We gave each other hugs, and went our separate way.

As we were walking, we heard a phone ring. I checked to see if its my phone, but it wasn't. It was Kook's phone.

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