15- Why are you doing this?

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"Yoongi..... I'm pregnant."

He stopped eating. He looked up from his plate slowly. His face expression was shocking.

"You're pregnant?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

"I took two tests, and they both came out positive." I responded.

He got up from his chair in a rush, and walked around for minutes. I was starting to get worried. 

"You can't be pregnant!" he shouted all of a sudden. "How long have you been pregnant?"

"Not long." I responded in a low tone.

He walked in circles for a few more minutes.

"Go get an abortion!" he shouted.

I was shocked. "Why do you want me to get an abortion?"

"Because I'm not ready to be a father!" he yelled.

"And just because of that, you want me to kill an innocent life?" I asked.

He stood there in silence.

"This is not just my child. Its also yours." I said.

"Well, I don't want it!! Your fucking 19 years old!! You can't have a kid!!" he yelled.

"You should have thought of that before you had sex with me." I said with a serious tone.

"You should have thought the same thing." he said in a cold tone.

"Well, if you don't want your child, maybe you should just leave the country for all I care!" I yelled.

"Actually, good idea. My parents just offered me a job for our business out of the country. I was about to reject it for you, but now...... I want nothing to do with you or your child." he said in a cold tone. Tears started to form in my eyes.

Before I could say anything, he grabbed my wrist, and dragged me to the door. He opened it, and pushed me out.

"Don't bother to look for me. I will be gone. And you will never find me." he said in a cold tone. Then he slammed the door.

I broke down in tears. Why is he doing this to me. I drove home in tears the whole time. 

I unlocked the house door, and completely ignored my brothers welcome. I walked to my room and slammed the door. I cried and cried.

Suddenly, I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in." I sniffed.

Jimin came in,and closed the door behind him.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing." I said in a low tone.

He stared at me. "Y/N, I know you too well to buy that."

I stayed quiet.

"Did you tell Yoongi?" he asked.

I still stayed silent.

"And what did he say?"

I still stood silent.

"Y/N, if you don't answer me know, I'm gonna bring everyone else, and make it more awkward."

"Ok. Fine. He wants me to get an abortion." I said in a low tone.

"What!" he shouted.

"But I said no. And he got mad." I said.

"That little piece of shit is gonna pay!!!" Jimin yelled.

Seconds later, we heard a knock on my door. I get up, and open it, revealing my other brothers.

"What's wrong now?" Tae asked.

I stood quiet. Jimin looked at me with a concerned face. He turned to look at the others.

"Let's just say that Yoogi isn't happy about the baby." Jimin said.

"What?" Jungkook said.

"Why not?" Namjoon asked.

"What happened?" Jin asked.

Thy were all asking and demanding questions. I had enough for a day. 

"Enough!" I yelled, leaving everyone quiet. "He wants nothing to do with me or my child, and he's leaving. So don't try and fix things between us. I want to be alone."

"Y/N-" I cut Hobi off.

"I said I want to be alone!" I yelled.

They all got up and left. I fell on my bed, and cried.

(Tae's POV)

I've never seen Y/N so hurt like this before. That little shit is gonna pay for this.  I started to walk away, leaving the others behind.

"Where are you going?" Jungkook asked.

"Out. Don't follow me. None of you." I said in a serious tone.

I got in my car, and drove to Yoongi's apartment. I got in the elevator, and went up to Yoongi's floor. Once I got out of the elevator, I see a lot of people in uniform, walking in and out of Yoongi's apartment. I walked to his place, and I found him talking to one of the guys.

"Sign this please." the guy said. Yoongi signed a paper, and handed it back to him

"Make sure everything is out of here within an hour. I have a plane to catch tonight." Yoongi said to the guy.

"Yes sir." the guy bowed, and left.

I walked up to Yoongi, and seconds later, I punched him, making everyone stop doing their job.

"What was that for?!" he asked.

I grabbed his shirt, and pushed him towards the wall.

"You're gonna pay for what you did to Y/N." I said in a cold tone.

"Don't tell me she sent you here." he said in a sarcastic tone..

"No. In fact, she didn't want any of us to look for you." I responded.

He pushed me out of the way, and I lost my grip to his shirt.

"What are you all watching? Get back to work!" Yoongi ordered the workers. They were startled, but they continued there jobs.

"Look, I already told Y/N I don't wanna be a father." he said in a casual tone.

"Well maybe you should have thought of that before you got her pregnant, huh?"

"She wanted it." he said quickly.

"So did you." I responded.

"I'm not gonna discuss this anymore. Security!" he shouted.

Suddenly, I see a couple of security guards come out of nowhere. 

"What is it sir?" one of them asked.

"Please escort this man out of the building."

The two guys each grabbed my arm, and started to drag me out.

"You can't do this to her! She really loves you! Think of the child she has!" I yelled at him.

"Like I said, I want nothing to do with her. And I don't want that kid in my life. Goodbye Tae." those were the last words I heard from him.

A/N: Hey guys! I am so sorry I didn't update this weekend. My stepdad took all my electronics for no reason and he said I can use them all only during weekdays. So here is the next chapter. I'm starting to plan to write another book. I'm not sure if I will write it while I write this one, or after I'm done with this one. I'm still planning on it. I might update again later today. See you all next chapter!!

You Should Haveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें