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Tutor pov

Should I agree to tutor P'Fight? What if things go like in my dream?

What am I thinking now? That was just a dream, Hwahwa is with Fighter, and I don't even know if I like boys, that dream affected me way too much. It's been a week now, I need to forget about it and go on with my life.

I haven't heard of Zon since we last talked about the dream and when I asked his friends they told me he's been sick all week. I wonder if he'll come today.

I suddently hear a deep voice calling me " Hey Tor" 

"P'Fight, what do you want?" I'm a little startled when I saw him calling me, he never does.

" Hwahwa told me to remind you tonight there's her birthday party and you have to wear white"

"yeah I already know, no need to remind me, I do remember stuff you know" I say in a little too annoyed tone.

"What's your problem Tor? I just told you what she asked me to tell you, seems like someone is having a bad day. See you tonight" He walks away.

Why do this distance between us makes me so sad and angry. We've always been like this, even worse. That stupid dream is really affecting me, I'd prefer having dreamt about winning the lottery, I wouldn't feel so miserable now.

I see in the distance a dark haired head walking like a zombie  "Zon omg finally you appeared again, how are you?"

"Oh hey Tor" his face and voice are so emotionless, "Did you recover from your cold? You still look so pale"

" I did unfortunately.."


"He doesn't like me, he hates me.." He doesn't sound okay

"You talking about Saifah?"   

" We were so happy.."

" Zon you need to move on, seriously, you can't be this sad because of a dream, it's not real"

"It's real. He just doesn't remember. And now he even thinks I'm crazy "

"What happened?"

Zon pov

A week before...

My head is exploding, I still can't believe I was right, it was all in a bl novel. There was too much love going around. I should have been more careful and not fall for it. Now I'm in love with a Saifah who can't stand me!

Immersed in my thoughts I crash into someone's chest

"Hey look where you're goi- oh Zon"  Even with my eyes closed, underwater, with a million people calling me I would still recognize HIS way of saying my name.


"The cat bite your tongue or what? Why you staring at me like that?"

... he looks so good, I miss him so much knowing I can't have him

"Earth calls Zon! ZON!"

He keeps calling me but i can only look at him, his piercing eyes that used to look at me with such sweetness, his fluffy hair I liked to touch, his lips that i used to kiss..


"...Call me crazy or stupid, probably helpless, but in that moment I did the only thing I thought of doing, hoping that like in some fairytale he would wake up and remember our love story. I kissed him."

" You did WHAT?" Tutor looks shocked but can i blame him?

" And what did he do then?" he asks curiously " Did it work? Did he remember?"

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