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Zon pov

We've been sitting on this couch for too long to even remember, Saifah keeps staring at his fingers playing with the hem of his shirt and I'm waiting for him to say something.

I clear my throat to let him know I'm still here. Still waiting.

He raises his eyes meeting mine, he blushes a little but then takes a deep breath and looks confidently at me.

"Look Zon, I-I don't know what to tell you. I don't know how I feel, I'm not sure, and I'm afr-" he pauses " just confused. Can't we talk about it another day?" he finally speaks

Nonsense. I came here to talk. I understand he's confused and scared of his feelings, afraid I won't feel the same probably. What can I do to help him?

We're face to face, he's now the one waiting for my answer when I suddenly have a brilliant idea. I hope Tutor won't feel offended by stealing this

"I know what we can do" I exclaim while he stares at me doubtful

"I once read in a novel a method to prove what we feel about each other. The only thing we need to do is trying to stare into our eyes for 10 seconds "  I explain 

I don't want to tell him the whole theory because I don't want him to be unconsciously suggested to do something, this is a prove for me too. I don't want him to love me because he loved me there, I want to know how he truly feels.

"That's just a stupid thing to do, what can we prove by looking at each other c'mon. What crazy stupid novel do you read?" he pouts

Crazy. Stupid. But if it's our novel, you call it like this but  "If only you knew... " 

"What?" he asks  

Oh. Did I said that out loud? 

"Let's just try. You don't have anything to lose and it doesn't sound hard right?"  I encourage  him

Saifah pov

I have no idea what doing this could prove but I trust Zon, he looks confident about this strange method. I knew people usually go on dates to prove their feelings, if I knew it was necessary to just stare at someone for 10 second I would've done it ages ago. How much money would I have saved from those fancy dates...

"Are you ready?" he asks me, I can hear the tension trough his voice

"Just close you eyes and when I count to three you'll open them and stare at mine and we'll count 10 seconds" he continues "Just don't speak and focus on me"

I close my eyes but open them a little after to see if his are closed too. They are. 

"One..." he starts "Two.."  I'm getting more and more nervous. This should be easy, no words to find, no voice to raise, just looking.

"Three" I slowly open my eyes as I'm afraid of what I'll find once they're opened. I know it's just Zon in front of me but I'm still scared.

Am I scared of discovering I really like him? It would be the first time I like a boy but I know I shouldn't be ashamed of it, I don't mind the genre of the person I'm with as long as I feel good and comfortable.

I have full opened my eyes but Zon is still squeezing hard is. 

Should I call him? He said to not speak..

"Z-"  I was about to call him when his eyes finally open and we're now staring at each other

"Ten" he says with a decisive tone looking straight into me 

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