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Tutor pov

"You sure I didn't leave it at your place?" I'm on the phone with Zon  that's harassing me because he can't find his notebook "But it's been days, where the hell did I put it? I can't lose it, there's written all the details of the novel, I need it to continue writing" 

"Zon why don't you try searching it better at home, have you asked at school? Maybe someone found it and left it at the lodge" I try to reassure him 

"Okok I'll search again, bye Tutor thanks. Search on your place again"  I hang up after saying goodbye and promise him I'll look for it again.

My work shift ended at the café and I'm leaving when suddenly I hear a well-known voice calling me

"P'Fight! What are you doing here?" and how do you where I work?

"I'm picking you up for a date" he casually says 

"A date? But I-I'm not ready. I just finished working, I need to shower and change my clothes" I panic a little, couldn't he warn me before?

"Don't worry, you have plenty of time to shower, change and pack."

Did he just said pack? I raise an eyebrow looking at him confused

"I told you we're going on a date, but I didn't mention how long it's going to last" he grins

"How long-"

"3 days! But can't tell you where we're going, it's a surprise! I saw how you've been stressed all this time and I want to do something special to make you relax and to spend as much time as I can with you away from all the problems and everyone creating them. I already checked that you have nothing to do this weekend, so I'm taking you away. Don't worry I'm not kidnapping you, if you don't wanna go it's fine, I just want to be with you. If you don't feel at ease we can even sleep in separate rooms, my intensions are pure I swear, I'm not doing anything until you want it and you're ready" he explains

That wasn't my worry actually... "I'm surprised. But in a good way, I like the idea!" I smile sweetly

We go home and he helps me pack, actually he said that since it's a surprise he would take the clothes himself and put them in the suitcase, I need to take other necessary stuff. Apparently Fighter in real life knows how to fold clothes.

We had dinner with some ramen at my place and I called my mother to tell her my plans for the weekend, I didn't tell her the truth, I'm not ready to tell her I'm with a man and however I'm not gonna do it on the phone. I told her I'm going on a trip with friends instead.

Fighter drove all night and although I promised I'd keep him company, I fell asleep after one hour. 

"Tor, wake up" I hear a whisper in my ear, a nice breeze making me shiver and a soft hand caressing my shoulder. When I open my eyes I see the most beautiful view I could imagine. 

"P'Fight! We're at the beach!" I'm shocked, we're at the beach again. I feel exactly how I felt in my dream, I can't believe the coincidence

"You like it, don't you?" he asks with a soft smile

"I do. But how did you know?" I'm sure I never told him

"I have my ways" he shrugs his shoulders "Let's go!" he takes my hand in his and my luggage with the other hand. I can't stop smiling, this is what I missed so much since waking up and I still can't believe is happening.

Zon pov 

What I'm feeling right now is really confusing: I still can't believe Saifah likes me back but at the same time I feel everything is back to normal and it's not weird for us to be together.

"Zon where do you wanna go then?" Saifah asks me. We're on a date, our first official date, we're holding hands. Surprisingly he was the one taking my hand first when we meet each other tonight and we're still holding hands. 

"The amusement park!" I exclaim happily 

"The one with the carousel and the Ferris wheel?" he doesn't sound convinced of my choice

"Yes, I want to ride that!"

"Wouldn't you prefer to ride something else...?" he grins 

I look at him confused about his question, he isn't implying what I'm thinking, is he?

"I was just joking, don't look at me like that. Let's go there then"  he laughs

"Oh there's cotton candy, can I have it?" I look at him with what I know he can't resist: puppy eyes 

He bought me the cotton candy and we played some cars, now we're on the Ferris wheel sitting next to each other. There's a little tension and embarrassment surrounding us, he clears his throat and puts his hand above mine resting on the seat between us and we both smile shyly.

"Zon" he calls me whispering " We almost reached the highest point of the wheel, you know what they say?" 

I shake my head and he cups my face with one hand still holding mine with the other, gets closer and gives me a sweet kiss on the lips. When he pulls away I'm confused but happily by his action, I look at him linking fast speechless and blushing. He looks away shy biting his lip but still keeping our hands joined.

"W-what is that the say?" I ask confused between his words and actions 

"One day I'll tell you" he smiles joyful and puts his arm around my shoulder to make me rest my head on his shoulder.

 Everything is going great.

Or is it not ?

Two days after

"Zon, we need to talk" Saifah's tone doesn't sound reassuring, did I do something?

"What's wrong?" he looks angry and I'm pretty sure I didn't do anything bad 

"What's this?" he asks showing my notebook  where I wrote all the details of the novel

"Ohh, I've been looking for it for days, thanks for bringing it back to me, where did you find it?"

"That's not important Zon, I know your plan now. I  read what's written inside, it's a story very similar to ours with our names too. So are you using me to write a novel? Tell me the truth.Did you want to prove if your novel worked somehow in real life? Is us just a big invention for a novel? I'm so disappointed, and if you ever think of publishing that change my name I don't wanna be the object of your crazy fantasies. I feel so dumb for falling for your sick plan, I seriously developed feelings for you while you were just playing. Don't ever speak to me again." he ends his speech throwing the notebook at me angrily and walking away 


Hii, sorry for the long absence but I'm on exams period and don't have much time. Hope you liked the chapter and as always thanks so much for reading❤️

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