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I'm at the café where I work, my turn just finished and I'm waiting for Hwahwa to come. We haven't talked much in the last period and I wanna know what happened to her. She's still my best friend.

"Hey Tor!" she enters the place with her usual sweet smile, dressed up like she's at a fashion show, short skirt and heels.

"Hwa! Just sit at a table and wait for me, I'll bring us some coffee and pastries" I answer

I come back with the food on a tray and sit down in front of her.

"I'm really happy you invited me here, I miss talking to you Tor" she exclaims smiling

"I know, I'm sorry I didn't pay enough attention to you"

" No, Tor, I'm the one who should apologize. Since I was with Fighter I only harrassed you with my problems. I feel like a terrible friend, but you know that whatever you need to talk about I'm right here, don't you?"   she answers 

"I know, don't worry. I'm here to listen to you too" I'm really happy to have a friend like her, in my dream she even accepted happily the love between me and P'Fight, I wonder if she would do the same in real life.

"Actually you won't have to hear me ranting about Fighter anymore, we're done. We agreed we weren't suited for each other. I liked more the idea of having a boyfriend like him than actually like him. It took me some time to realize it but now I finally know what I want" 

She seems so confident, I've never seen her like this. I always thought her story with P'Fight didn't make any sense but I wanted her to see it for herself.

"W-well if I'm sincere I already found who I want" she confesses shyly

So what Fighter said was true, she already found someone new! I'm amazed on how fast she is, but she's really pretty and nice so of course it's not difficult fo her. She must had a line of boys waiting just for her to break up.

"You actually know him Tor..." she continues  "He's your friend!"

"My friend?" I gasp. Don't tell me..just like in my dream..

"Yes, Day; your friend. He's so sweet and handsome. He opened my eyes on how a relationship should be, the day after my party I met him casually at the park and we talked a lot. He said I should never feel sad because of my boyfriend, because the one who truly likes me would never leave me alone. His words were an enlightenment, the same day I spoke to Fight and he apologized for his behavior towards me saying he tried but he can't love me how I wanted. I understood him and I'm not mad, he was never rude to me. We broke up and now I want to pursue Day. Seeing how he talked to me I'm sure he's just the one I need" she explains

I nod finally understand it all. So she likes Day now, but does he like her? It can't be everything like my dream, right?

Getting back home I can't help thinking about the kiss

"You should be the one to ask yourself how you feel Tor"   I recall P'Fight words

 This question haunts me in my mind and now I got two people asking me that. What dream? This is a nightmare!

I don't know.  How do I feel? How should I feel?

In my dream I..... I should stop thinking of the dream. It's confusing me, it wasn't real. It's not important if it in I loved him. But what do I feel now? 

I don't love him. I love the Fighter in my dream? yes. But the one in real life I can't love. We've never done anything together other than fight. And kiss. Once. It's not enough to admit love.

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